As He said, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Matthew 20:22,23: But Jesus answered and said, "You do not know what you ask. Then, in 1 Peter 3 he brings up Noah and the flood in what appears to be a weird way.The first part of chapter three is dealing with being representatives of the body of Christ in the context of marriage (I’m reminded of the Apostles asking Jesus in the Gospel of John (As Christians, we would certainly allow that good can come out of suffering. Can you imagine the family issues that might come up?They just made a movie where they attempted to explore some of these things (EESH!). The Forth of the Seven Baptisms By: Eldon McNabb "I have a baptism to be baptized with." He directs book publishing for the many projects of 1517.Subscribe (it’s free!) (Heb. (...with the hope that some of them, indeed all of them, might be brought onboard through baptism.Steve Byrnes holds a BA in English Literature and History from Concordia University, Irvine and an MA in Biblical Studies from Westminster Seminary in Escondido, CA. Maybe our Christian suffering get beatified and connected to Jesus suffering in some way. And by the Spirit or in the Spirit, he goes to the spirits in prison (another post all by itself) because, "formerly, they did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few" were saved (And, in this way, Baptism and the Noah’s Ark and Christian suffering are connected. But even our own suffering? He also spent over 20 years in the graphic arts and printing industry. The apostle Paul unravels what Jesus means by the statement a baptism of suffering. In 1 Peter 3:18, Peter compares that good action mentioned before (waiting, gently answering, practicing patience) with the patient suffering of Jesus, the sacrificial lamb, who took our place and suffered to bring us to God. Luke 12:50 New International Reader's Version (NIRV). "Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? Perhaps the saints are saying on the receiving end of this passage some version of "how long, O Lord", or just a plain old "WHY? 50 But I have a baptism of suffering to go through. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you and persecute you for My sake. Mark 14:35-36). (Matt. We immediately think of Christ on the Cross. We understand the cup which Jesus would drink and the baptism with which He was baptized. The scary part is that Noah was also saved from those outside the Ark.This is another aspect of how the analogy fits. In connection with Christ, baptism can also refer to suffering. Ever since the tragedy of the Garden, God’s plan of redemption has been in motion. (2 Tim. Not only is this normal, but almost every lament in scripture contains a complaint. Baptism of Suffering The baptism Jesus spoke of in the verses below apparently refers to the agony he was to endure at His crucifixion. Somewhere along the line, we also will be spared from our Christian suffering like Noah… after our Ark is complete and the Lord shuts the door. There shall be martyrdom for some, and, at the very least, ridicule and rejection for others. The “baptism” Jesus speaks of here is the suffering He was to endure. This week was chapter 3 and I’ve always had a challenge with the imagery there. Believer’s baptism is one of the two ordinances given to the church. When we are hurt, we cry out to God. The cup is a cup of suffering and pain which Jesus will drink to its dregs (cf. So instead of preaching a bloody, painful baptism of suffering, a baptism of material blessings is promised to those who believe in their “Jesus.” I promise you … Baptism is the way into our Ark.And Noah and his family were spared God’s wrath by passing through water in the Ark. Christ's Baptism of Suffering. "I’m following so far: we’re to follow our Lord in suffering to bring in those who have not yet had the blood of the sacrifice applied to them (the righteous in Christ suffering for the unrighteous).Jesus was killed ‘in the Flesh,’ but comes back in the Spirit or by the power of the Holy Spirit (too much to go into here... another post, perhaps?). H. Melvill, B. D. Luke 12:50 ... Baptism is the being dipped in the water, the being sprinkled with the water, and not the being drowned or completely overwhelmed. We have baptism and we say you can be saved if you get into this big boat called the church, which, by the way, often looks like a menagerie and "God told us to build it." And be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" And of course, Peter says this later (But there seems to be a challenge of some sort that Peter is answering. Jesus is obviously referring here to His imminent suffering, as a baptism. Getting his family and anything else to be saved IN the ark was a good chunk of that calling.We are like Noah; we are kind of weird. Jesus knows the path involves suffering, humiliation, degradation, and then, and only then, victory and the establishment of the Kingdom (Mark 10:32-34). The sufferings of our Saviour were a prophetic necessity. 5:10-12) Later, when Jesus was asked by the apostles, James and John, if He would promise them specifically that one of them would get to sit on His right hand and the other on His left, in His glory, He asked them the all important question. I’m talking about the way Peter brings Noah into the picture and connects it to Christian suffering.Up until this point in the letter, it’s been about being a different, winsome kind of people and Christian suffering in the world for the sake of Christ.