BREEDING THE OLDER MARE Patrick M. McCue DVM, PhD, Diplomate American College of Theriogenologists Mares can continue to produce foals well into their late teens or early to mid 20’s.
She only required minimum assistance, light pulling on the forlegs when she stalled for about 10 minutes. I strongly encourage you to consider the above questions before making your choice on breeding your mare to become an old broodmare.If only horses could talk and tell us their background. And if AI, frozen or chilled. Hi, Am considering breeding my 11 year old mare this year. Reply. Pretend she’s a human. If you plan on selling the foal, does there appear to be a market for it? I too have an older mare, she is 17. Some mares begin to experience a decrease in the number of estrus (heat) cycles, or have more irregular cycles, as they age and palpation will detect the presence of follicles, cysts, and other ovarian structures, both normal and abnormal.A uterine culture and biopsy may also be a good idea, especially since you indicate you have no knowledge of your mare’s past reproductive history. You state she is a wonderful riding pony, but as carefully and objectively as possible, please evaluate these aspects further:Also consider your intentions for the foal: will you be raising this foal, or selling it?
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. By navigating the site, you agree to the use of cookies to collect information. They are doing an information evening next month about breeding JG, you and I will always have to agree to disagree on the AI vs natural cover thing, but I take your point... It is heart wrenching to lose a mare &/or foal. Keeping in mind that the last half-decade or so has seen an increase in unwanted horses in this country. Do you or someone you know have the experience to properly train a young horse? Wilbur August 23, 2013 at 8:06 am. We were wrong! The partners are always happy to have a chat & give advice. Copyright © 2020 EG Media Investments LLC. Maybe helping him shop for German dressage horses would be a good way to spend the day after his retirement party soon.Anna O'Brien, DVM, is a large-animal ambulatory veterinarian in central Maryland. I would be concerned about buying an 11 year old maiden for breeding. if you are not in the breeding business, why bring more animals into this world who will suffer because you think your horse will have beautiful babies?PLEASE don’t breed ANY horse!!! Our experts will call you on your preferred time. Copyright © 2020 EG Media Investments LLC. Have you decided to breed a special mare for the first time? Do you have a plan as to where this foal will fit in? A long time Dynamite® customer called me one day to ask about her friends horse who was 17 years old, a maiden mare, who she was trying to get in foal. Sorry guys Natural is best! This does not mean that pregnancy is impossible, but it does mean more intensive management may be required. There are several important aspects to consider:It’s important to read the stallion contract carefully and clarify any questions you may have before signing it.Your mare will only be fertile and receptive to breeding for a small window of time every 21 days. November 2011 at age 35, she gave birth to a beautiful healthy colt. If the mare had not been bred from before then definitely not. Just like women, a mare is more fertile in her younger years. Great care went into regular exercises and nutrition to better ensure the best outcome to get a happy and healthy mom and foal. The goal is to make sure the mare is healthy enough to carry a foal to term. Is she too old?It is important to know how old you can breed your mare until. All rights reserved.Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Please let us know a convenient time to call you on You might find your choice of stallion severely reduced if you really want that service (excuse the pun).What breed is your mare?
AI is the way most people are going. We do monitor them. I know 11 isn't that old as horses go, but as maiden mares go . Not many stallion owners offer live cover these days so unless your mare is TB or you are going for a native pony-type, Id be surprised if you can find many WB studs offering this. He has several mares of all ages coming and they only asked for natural. There is no reliable blood test for early pregnancy in horses. Pick up a rescue baby. It is also important to consider how birth may affect your mare. Firstly, do you consider her genes good enough to pass on to another generation?
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