1 Ma. See Map showing detail of link between Rodgers Creek and Maacama fault zones across Santa Rosa pull-apart basin (based on geologic maps of McLaughlin et al., 2003, 2008). North-trending faults bounding the Santa Rosa pull-apart basin (e.g., the Spring Valley fault segment of the Bennett Valley fault zone; Displacement on the northern Rodgers Creek fault zone (Healdsburg fault segment) and its rate of slip north of Santa Rosa since 1 Ma are currently unconstrained by the bedrock geology. The distribution of Annadel-derived clasts in gravels west of the NRCFZ and SRCFZ delineate a crude paleotransport channel (PC) ∼2.5–3.0 km wide at its truncation on the southwest side of the NRCFZ (H; also Schematic maps showing successive reorganizations of the Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system with time in relation to adjacent northward migration of restraining and releasing bend geometries of the northern San Andreas fault zone in the wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction. This latter interpretation would yield a higher composite long-term slip rate of ∼5.6 mm/yr, which is similar to rates derived here for the more recent time windows of fault zone evolution and is compelling for that reason. Index Terms/Descriptors Magnetic feature 2–2′, offset 21 ± 5 km with a high to moderately low magnetic intensity, corresponds to the magnetic expression of the offset sections of the Coast Range Ophiolite at Geyser Peak (2) and Hopland (2′). (A) The Maacama (MAFZ) and Rodgers Creek (RCFZ) fault zones and related faults (dark red) are compared to the San Andreas fault, former and present positions of the Mendocino Fracture Zone (MFZ; light red, offshore), and other structural features of northern California. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006–1196, version 1.0Paleoseismic evidence for Prehistoric earthquakes on the Northern Maacama fault, Willits, CaliforniaGeological Society of America Abstracts with ProgramsCorrelation of late Cenozoic tuffs in the Central Coast Ranges of California by means of trace- and minor-element chemistryLong-term displacement rates of the San Andreas fault system in northern California from the 6-Ma Roblar tuff [abs. Present position of San Pablo Bay on east side of Rodgers Creek fault zone is shown in light blue for reference. Green and dark gray circle symbols bisected by the Rodgers Creek and Maacama fault zones are arbitrary reference points illustrating offset across the Rodgers Creek (green circle) and Maacama (dark gray circle) fault zones, based on displacements established in this paper (Schematic maps showing successive reorganizations of the Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system with time in relation to adjacent northward migration of restraining and releasing bend geometries of the northern San Andreas fault zone in the wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction. Two anonymous reviewers for Maps showing the regional setting of the Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system and the San Andreas fault in northern California. Time windows are shown beginning ca. Truncation of the Geyser Peak ophiolite along the northeast side of the Maacama fault zone is masked by gravels in Little Sulfur Creek strike-slip basins (TEPHROCHRONOLOGY OF THE SONOMA AND ASSOCIATED VOLCANICS OF THE RODGERS CREEK–MAACAMA FAULT SYSTEMDISPLACEMENTS AND SLIP RATES OF FAULTS OF THE RODGERS CREEK–MAACAMA FAULT SYSTEM AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO LONG-TERM SLIP OF THE HAYWARD-CALAVERAS FAULT SYSTEM This elapsed time is similar to published recurrence-interval estimates of 131 to 370 years (preferred value of 230 years) and 136 to 345 years (mean of 205 years), calculated from geologic data and a regional earthquake model, respectively. Although we have correlated the axes of antiformal features across the Rodgers Creek fault zone in addition to the offset fault scarp breccias (This larger displacement based on alignment of gravity-defined basin margins, however, implies that the Cotati and Windsor basins should include thick sections of the Coast Range Ophiolite overlain by Great Valley Sequence rocks as well as Tertiary strata that predate the Petaluma Formation, all of which occur in the Sonoma and San Pablo Bay basins (Displacement across the Maacama fault zone is estimated from several cross-fault correlations of distinctive units of the Sonoma Volcanics, Neogene gravels, and Mesozoic basement rocks. Also shown is location of the Healdsburg terrane, having a distinctively different ophiolite stratigraphy. Larger amounts of slip attributed to the East Bay fault system to the south are contributed from faults east of the Hayward fault and probably from poorly constrained pre–7 Ma slip on a proto-Hayward fault zone north of Burdell Mountain.Although much of the northern Coast Ranges is now in compression (Numerous studies also point to the northward migration of a slab window beneath the Coast Ranges as having influenced the distribution of volcanism and related extension in the crust (The Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system as characterized here has evolved in conjunction with lengthening of the San Andreas transform margin. Dark gray filled circles are earthquake epicenters (Map showing faults of the right-stepped Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system compared with schematic drawings from laboratory models of pull-apart basin evolution (Map showing faults of the right-stepped Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system compared with schematic drawings from laboratory models of pull-apart basin evolution (Restoration of 28 km of long-term offset on Rodgers Creek fault zone based on correlation of fault scarp breccias and antiformal axes (in turquoise) at Taylor Mountain (TM) and Sears Point (SP), which may indicate minimum displacement since ca. Double-pointed blue arrows show inferred areas of formerly active transtension or transpression. An official website of the United States governmentBulletin of the Seismological Society of America This site uses cookies. In detail, the succession of compressional and extensional deformation in evolution of the Rodgers Creek–Maacama fault system appears to be a necessary response at the south end of the fault system to continual fault zone lengthening and reorganization at its northern end as the Mendocino Triple Junction propagates.
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