spanish mustang temperament

SPANISH MUSTANG REGISTRY (SMR) BREED DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS the spanish mustang - a breed of many colors Pictures and information courtesy of Simrat Khalsa, Cayuse Ranch, Many Ponies, Caballos de Destino and They are eager, curious, and pretty forgiving if you have a preferred treat lying around that can be offered as an apology.You’ll find that there are some very laidback Mustangs, even when brought out of the wild, that prefer to be lazy and would rather snuggle with someone than do any exercise or work. Lower-ranking herd members that are spirited will have bite marks on their shoulders, neck, and face. A white rim (sclera) is acceptable in all colors. These horses, which originally came from the Spanish more than 400 years ago, are used to being charge.This independence creates a horse that tends to be quite stubborn, especially if you’re asking the horse to do something it doesn’t want to do. This means that a Mustang tends to be a little less stubborn than other popular breeds, such as the Appaloosa. He has a very affectionate side too but his name describes him best! Chestnuts, if present, should be small and teardrop shaped, chestnuts should not appear to be ragged or coarse on both the fore and back legs. The rear legs may be set under the body somewhat. Sickle hocks and a horse that camps out should be faulted. Faults in the rear legs that cause interference or undue stress should be faulted.

Mustangs are typically feral horses that have been living in the wild for some time. The inner sides of the rear leg should be adequately muscled so as not to appear weak. The forehead tapers down into a fairly fine muzzle, muzzles may vary somewhat in size but are never large or coarse. The coupling should be strong, but the horse should also be well-balanced. The lips should be fine in appearance with floppy, thick or coarse lips faulted. Eyes are fairly wide set and set somewhat higher on the face. The mane and forelock will be long and full in most animals, although some maybe shorter and thinner. The length of the distance from the withers to the point of the hip should be equal to the length of the distance from the poll to the withers. He comes from Tom Norush's breeding program of eastern (Banker ponies) and western (Spanish mustangs from the Brislawn family) bloodlines. This will help you be able to find the right relationship.

Adoptions are often very affordable, especially when working with the BLM, and the rewards that come with an established relationship can be fantastic. The mane that falls on both sides of the neck should not be faulted. This temperament is especially noticeable in the horses that have been taken out of the wild, even after they have been properly trained. In the summer he has a snowflake pattern of white on his rump. Mustang Horse Temperament and personality. Sly, skillful, sneaky, bold. The Spanish Mustang is an “uphill” horse, the Spanish Mustang is square and the feet are positioned under the body. The alpha horses will be extremely spirited and could attempt to put you into a subordinate role as well. The build should be smooth with a slightly “uphill” look. The end result is an extremely hardy and sturdy horse exhibiting the aptitude to perform in almost any equine field, and perform well. Our New Huggable Hooves are being featured in various magazines and have been gaining National Exposure. The gaskin should have adequate muscling and tie smoothly into the rump. It accepts only Spanish horses, and the books have long been open to newly discovered horses that pass a visual inspection and consideration of the horse's origin and history.

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