A Mouse In The House. Animation and originally aired on Fox from 1992 to 1995; lasting 85 episodes. First Appearance: None. However, Batman calls it quits, admitting that Gordon's reaction may be warranted. Bane ultimately turns on Gordon and soon the Commissioner and the Dark Knight find themselves falling off a building, but then Barbara wakes up and it turns out the whole thing was a dream. It starts with Batman and Robin running to escape Commissioner Gordon and his cops in the Batcave. Joker’s Millions. It’s an interesting exploration of what might happen if a member of the Batman family died. Nightwing is arrested, Bruce convinces a tearful Robin to leave him, and Gordon turns to Bane for help in getting his revenge. “Over The Edge” is this series at its best, a beautifully executed story about the potential terrors of the future and how they motivate us to move forward in the present. "Over the Edge" is the eleventh episode of The New Batman Adventures, which originally aired on May 23, 1998. As Batman decides to remain hidden, Nightwing goes back to his loft for supplies, only to find Montoya and other officers waiting for him. Batman jumps to the roof of police headquarters and is engaged by Batman reaches his hand out to pull Gordon from the ledge and pleads him to accept his help "for Barbara". The Demon Within. How to Watch. Toy Tinkers. A psychotic misfit playing masked hero. I have not encountered anyone who is willing argue that The New Batman Adventures is superior to the first two seasons of Batman: The Animated Series, but almost everyone agrees that “Over the Edge” is one of the best episodes of Batman ever produced. Batman and his allies apparently have their secret identities exposed and are now are hunted by the police. Summary Short summary describing this episode. It’s here that we get a glimpse of what might happen if one of Gotham's heroes died and their identity revealed. Over the Edge is an episode of The New Batman Adventures. Stuff We Love: The New Batman Adventures’ 'Over the Edge' is a stand-out episode Continuing that legacy was its follow-up show, The New Batman Adventures, which also has an anniversary this month, celebrating 10 years since its premiere.The show had some incredible episodes about Gotham and the Caped Crusader, but one that … Scarecrow didn't actually hit her, but he did release one of his fear toxins, causing her to experience her worst fear: Dying without ever telling her father about her secret identity, and the consequences that would follow. Barbara’s connection to Gordon makes it a particularly interesting scenario to explore, since it becomes much more personal. Furthermore, he trusts her and he'll love her no matter what choice she made. On the outside, Batman and Robin are chased by more police officers on a boat, but thanks to the timely appearance of After telling the story, Batman decides they should remain hidden, but when Nightwing goes to his secret apartment for supplies, he is ambushed and arrested by the GCPD.
When Scarecrow kills Batgirl, Gordon discovers she was his daughter, and maddened with grief blames Batman. Mean Seasons. Just then, Barbara wakes up in the Batcave, revealing that this was all part of a nightmarish hallucination. I have not encountered anyone who is willing argue that The New Batman Adventures is superior to the first two seasons of Batman: The Animated Series, but almost everyone agrees that “Over the Edge” is one of the best episodes of Batman ever produced. The New Batman Adventures E12 "Over the Edge". Batman and his allies apparently have their secret identities exposed and are now are hunted by the police. It tells us a lot about what concerns Barbara has and honestly, it makes a lot of sense for her and even the others to be thinking about this on some level. Just when the shooter is about to take one final shot at point-blank range, an explosion foils his efforts. Leaving Alfred behind in a close call, they’re saved by Nightwing, who then asks what happened, and we’re treated to a flashback. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.
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