Below is a video of a deer chasing down and eating a hatchling bird while its parents try to protect it. That much became clear several years ago, when a remarkable video showing a white-tailed deer eating a bird went viral. Another video of a deer attempting to eat a dead squirrel. The behavior has been observed at least a few other times. They then rummage through the mess looking for tasty treats. They set up cameras above the nests and were surprised to find that deer attacked the nests more frequently than more obvious predators like weasels and foxes.Oh, and here’s one more video of a deer happily munching on a bird just in case you weren’t convinced:Overall, this puts a new perspective on classic Disney movies like From the wildest corners of the planet, to extraordinary encounters in our own backyard, we provide a platform and community to celebrate the wildlife enthusiast in us all.Strange Octopus with Ear-Like Fins Is Deepest-Living Octopus Known Bird seed is not a natural food source for deer. 10. Apparently though, when the opportunity arises, they don’t mind indulging in a bit of meat-eating when the opportunity arises. They usually hit bird seed hard if there is no other natural food source in the area. As grisly as it may look, these methods may be tempting to deer during particularly harsh winters.Below is a video of a deer chasing down and eating a hatchling bird while its parents try to protect it.Another video of a deer attempting to eat a dead squirrel.Biologists are concerned that deer eating or otherwise coming into contact with carcasses run the risk of contracting contagious diseases such as chronic wasting disease. They do not like eating bird seed. In cases where the deer is unable to reach the nutritious organs inside the body cavity, it instead munches on the limbs.“You think of these animals as grazers or browsers,” says Wyoming Game and Fish biologist Reg Rothwell, “but they occasionally eat some pretty weird stuff.”Deer are also known to frequent gut piles and other animal remains and are often the first to show up at these sites. So if you want to keep the deer out of your garden and flowers, then take down the bird feeders. Apparently though, when the opportunity arises, they don’t mind indulging in a bit of meat-eating when the opportunity arises.The video shows a young buck slowly trailing an injured bird (possibly a fledgling) as it struggles to escape. Other birds swarm the deer in an attempt to distract him, but undeterred, the hungry animal easily grabs the helpless bird and starts chewingApparently, this kind of thing isn’t a one-off. It is unknown if they seek out gut piles to eat the meat or simply the apples and other digested goodies laying about. Make a Little Noise. It’s hard to imagine these creatures as steak-seeking predators, but deer will be quick to take advantage of a nutritious opportunity. In fact, deer can be a common danger for ground-nesting birds.“If they come across a nest, where the food doesn’t move or run away, they’ll take advantage of it,” Pietz said.Other small animals are game too, as long as the deer can actually eat them. The footage was shocking because we usually think of deer as herbivores since they primarily eat legumes and other plants. However, deer are not physically equipped to eat meat, and in most cases will not be able to bite through thick skin with their teeth. Still, the deer don’t exactly keep it a secret.“Some of these animals really are omnivorous,” U.S. Geological Survey biologist Pam Pietz Lacking natural hunting instincts, deer tend to target (or perhaps more accurately, stumble upon and snatch up) easier meals such as bird eggs and hatchlings. The footage was shocking because we usually think of deer as herbivores since they primarily eat legumes and other plants. Image via Shutterstock . In 2015, for example, scientists in North Dakota recorded white-tailed deer preying on nestling songbirds. So you’re not only bringing in birds, but you are also enticing the deer to come too.
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