Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority posts news and promotions. We're proud to announce that we started applying orthophosphate to our entire drinking water system this week. While we continue to replace water mains, all lead service lines will simultaneously be replaced. PWSA administrative staff will be off on Monday, September 7 in observance of Labor Day.
Copyright © 2020 Pittsburgh Water and Sewer AuthorityTime Running Out for Free, On-demand Lead Service Line Replacements FREE, ON-DEMAND LEAD SERVICE LINE REPLACEMENTS STILL AVAILABLE TO INCOME-QUALIFIED CUSTOMERSPWSA Construction Contractors Virtual Networking Event Approximately 75 percent of the sewer system is a combined system meaning that stormwater and wastewater flow through the same pipe. They treat wastewater for the 83 municipalities in Allegheny County, including the City of Pittsburgh.It's never pleasant, but on occasion basements and sewers back up into homes and business throughout Pittsburgh. If you experience a water or sewer emergency, please call our 24/7 Emergency Dispatch at 412-255-2423 (Press 1). #StrongerTogether
We expect this holiday weekend to be hazy, hot, humid with no appreciable amounts of precipitation forecast. Sewage winds up going to ALCOSAN’s … On this cold dreary day contractors are working on removing the old cover. It focuses on public engagement, collaboration with the City of Pittsburgh - Office of the Mayor, and highlights everyday things we all can do to reduce pollutants picked up by the rain: Restoring the chlorination facility, known as the Clearwell, will refurbish a facility that is more than a century old and serves the entire PWSA distribution system. This account is actively managed M - F 8 am to 5 pm.
The remaining 25 percent is a We send wastewater – the water you flush down your toilet or water that goes down your drain to ALCOSAN, the regional wastewater treatment plant along the Ohio River. Hopkins ; Place of Publication ; Philadelphia ; Type ; cartographic ; Contributor ; University of Pittsburgh; Collection ; G.M. Our green stormwater infrastructure project at Centre and Herron avenues in the Upper Hill District was recognized by the Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Stay safe and remember to keep hydrated today. Read our press release here: As part of our response to the...
Related stories. One of the largest resources on the Internet for finding government services and related businesses, worldwide. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time. In this month’s Engineering Report, read how our stormwater permit guides actions for cleaner rivers and streams in Pittsburgh. The system, managed by the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority [ALCOSAN], covers Pittsburgh and 82 other municipalities. Are you a tenant making $30,000 or less? Do you know who your water provider is? As part of our response, we have expanded our customer assistance programs. Plate 21 ; Creator ; G. M. Hopkins & Co. This $2.9 million project, taking place in the Lincoln Place neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh, will line approximately 5 miles of aging sewers, repair broken sewers, relocate storm drains, and separate combined storm and sanitary sewers where needed. Meet the 11 people who help set air quality rules for Allegheny County. PWSA is outlining a path to update its systems and become the modern, well-functioning water system Pittsburgh deserves. We appreciate your input!
It provides a snapshot of our progress, tracking several metrics that we are measuring across the organization. ICYMI: We have a new video explaining our expanded customer assistance programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PWSA's capital improvement program identifies $1.1 billion in infrastructure improvements, and outlines a plan to increase our annual capital spending. Headwaters is our organizational performance improvement dashboard. @PennsylvaniaDEP This account is actively managed M - F 8 am to 5 pm. Learn more about our progress and lead replacement programs in our latest press release Work is underway in Lincoln Place: As part of our response to the...
Some projects are already in motion, such as the elimination of lead pipes. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult time for many of our customers. Chlorination is the final step of our water treatment process. Register by 1pm TODAY, July 6th, to participate in the upcoming Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) public hearings: We are making meaningful improvements to our water infrastructure. Date ; 1890 ; Identifier ; 90v02p21 ; Extent ; 50 x 70 cm ; Publisher ; G.M.
Although Allegheny County has been lifted to the green phase of COVID-19, please be aware that our downtown office at 1200 Penn Avenue will remain closed at least through the end of June.
Check out the most recent edition of our newsletter, here-> Make your voice heard about our recent rate proposal.
We will notify you when anything happens in Pittsburgh. Although Allegheny County has been lifted to the green phase of COVID-19, please be aware that our downtown office at 1200 Penn Avenue will remain closed until further notice. Learn more about Lead Facts & Lead Line Replacement. Our offices are closed today, July 3rd, in observance of Independence Day weekend. The PUC is the state agency that is investigating the proposed rate increase and will make the final d... Visit Although Allegheny County has been lifted to the green phase of COVID-19, please be aware that our downtown office at 1200 Penn Avenue will remain closed at least through the end of June. Register to participate in the upcoming public hearings hosted by the PA Public Utility Commission to provide input into our recent rate request-> In Pittsburgh, sewersheds are an essential concept to understand when you think about how we manage stormwater.
To protect public health, we will use a teleconference line for our July board meeting.
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