All of the Vibe Shearwater 125 pods – Base Pod, Versa Pod or X-Drive Pod – are super easy to swap out depending on your on-water need or activity! See the sea monsters way before they see you.This holiday season, an exclusive limited number of pre-orders will be available to receive the Signature Series Shearwater 125 which includes limited edition Tsunami Red piping premium EVA deck padding. Email. "The Shearwater 125 doesn't just change the game, it ends it," says Josh Thomas, Vibe Outdoors' CEO. This hit us hard in two main arenas. Mix. Some hulls required full assembly, some required partial assembly. Gear Up & Go! It would have been far better to diagnose the world around us, extend delivery dates out into the summer and communicate that decision early on instead of trying to play hero and muscle through a problem much larger than us.While all Pre-Order Shearwaters have shipped out as of last week, we’re still catching up on shipping the rest of the much awaited Shearwater accessories. While I’m proud of the hard work our team did, I’m disappointed in the negative effect of the delay during prime fishing season coupled with the net effect of the finishing issues we’re facing by not having our seasoned and trained assembly crew available. As a reminder, your Shearwater 125 comes with a lifetime manufacturing warranty and a 1 year manufacturing warranty on parts.
With hiring freezes at the warehouses storing the Shearwaters and a 14-day quarantine required if our staff flew out to them, we bridged the staff shortfall through long hours, working through weekends and converting every able person at the various locations to an assembly line.This worked for hitting the assembly deadline but once all 750 were complete and ready to go, the limited crew was unable to push outbound orders at the usual pace and our estimated shipping deadline was missed. One more thing that I really like is probably the simplest thing on the boat, but the Shearwater has a little drawer right under the seat where you can store your soft plastics or anything else that you want to keep in reaching distance.
With COVID-19 supply chain disruption first starting overseas, we made the choice in January of shipping all the hulls and parts stateside to be assembled at 3 different locations in hopes of delaying Shearwaters by only one month. I've owned several kayaks and fish out of one 5-7 days a week when there's no ice covering the water. Delays in shipping and out of stocks means substantial extra customer service burden.
OWN THE WATER "The Shearwater 125 doesn't just change the over $1,000 fishing kayak game — it ends it by raising premium standards to all-new heights," says Josh Thomas, Vibe Kayaks' CEO. The 2020 Vibe Shearwater 125 will be rolling out at Vibe dealers late March 2020.
With a choice of pedal, power, or paddle, Vibe's Shearwater 125 inspires unrivaled confidence with every cast.Colors for the Shearwater 125 are as exciting and vibrant as the new kayak itself. First in manpower for assembly, and later in shipping which we are still working through. Twitter. Vibe Kayaks Shearwater 125: Under-Seat Storage. Coupled with four easy-adjustable angling positions for better sight fishing or for optimizing different propulsion positions, no other kayak seat is designed to improve your fishing while giving you high-low and 2 different recumbent angles for maximum comfort.The unique and optional Summit Seat Perch (MSRP $89.99) is a Vibe accessory to the Summit Seat which attaches to the back of the seat to offer kayak sight fishermen a platform to gain a much higher sitting position or the ultimate standing vantage point.
Premium Fishing Kayak Review: Vibe Kayaks’ Shearwater 125. As the perfect blend of power options and performance, the Shearwater is able to deliver everything you need, when you need it most.Shearwater 125’s propulsion options are as flexible and versatile as everything else offered on this game-changing fishing kayak.With your choice of three activity-versatile specialty drop-in pods – maxing-out 'space', 'storage' and 'speed' – the Shearwater 125 uniquely allows you to further customize the world's best-in-class fishing kayak to precisely fit how and where you wish to fish.The new all-weather-tough Vibe Summit Seat (with optional Standing Perch) delivers superior comfort, generous lumbar and back support, as well as cooling-drying airflow, for all day, every day fishing. Any angler can now build the best-in-class kayak of their dreams at the pace and price they want and can afford. Brand new Vibe colors such as the awe-inducing Tsunami Red and Raven will be offered alongside the best-selling Caribbean Blue.
Galaxy, 2019’s new super-popular kick-ass color, will only be available for a limited time for those who pre-order the Shearwater 125.Speed and stability has been optimized across the range of water types and conditions. "The Shearwater 125 doesn't just change the over $1,000 fishing kayak game — it ends it by raising premium standards to all-new heights," says Josh Thomas, Vibe Kayaks' CEO.
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