Of course, having to reload the page is not exactly a great user interaction, so in the next section we’ll find out why Apollo can’t know what the mutation means, and what we need to do to make the list re-render with the new item.The reason our list of channels didn’t automatically re-render is that Apollo has no way of knowing that the mutation we just called has anything to do with the channels query that renders our list. createTodo(text: $text) { Then we will consume the data on the client-side using React JS. Your query will not start polling again until you call This function allows you to update the data for your query outside of the context of any mutation, subscription, or fetch. Only the server knows that, but it has no way of notifying our client (for that we’d need a To update the client state after a mutation, we have three options:The refetch option is by far the simplest one, and it’s a great way to get an app working quickly, so we’ll do that for now.To tell Apollo Client that we want to refetch the channels after our mutation completes, we pass it via the Now if we add a new channel, the list should refresh right away!That’s it; you’ve implemented our first GraphQL mutation!Of course this will only update the UI after you make a mutation. text Designed for modern React: Take advantage of the latest React features, such as hooks 4. You can test this by opening a new browser window and adding a channel there. By default your component will try to read from the cache first, and if the full data for your query is in the cache then Apollo simply returns the data from the cache. Anything that shares the same id as returned by the In order to change the data in your store call methods on your To read the data from the store that you are changing, make sure to use methods on your For more information on updating your cache after a mutation with the Sometimes when you make a mutation you also want to update the data in your queries so that your users may see an up-to-date user interface. With this function you can create higher-order components that can execute queries and update reactively based on the data in your Apollo store.
When your component renders, useQuery returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and dataproperties you can use to render your UI. } { id In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use a simple mutation to modify data on the server and keep the state synchronized on your clients. Use this property to render a loading component.There are multiple different network states that your query may be in.
Our resolve functions live in As you can see, the resolver just pushes a new channel to If you reload your client app on localhost:3000, you should now see the “basketball” channel show up.Now that we’ve verified that the mutation is working on the server, let’s write the necessary code to call it from the client. Declarative data fetching: Write a query and receive data without manually tracking loading states 2. This pattern is implemented in React Apollo using the HOC component created with the graphql function. With this function you can create higher-order components that can execute queries and update reactively based on the data in your Apollo store. 4 min read. In this tutorial, we will use it on the front end and back end by building an Apollo GraphQL Server with Node JS. Browse other questions tagged reactjs graphql react-apollo higher-order-components or ask your own question. You may also define an intermediate function and hook up your component with the Before we look into the specific behaviors of each operation, let us look at the Lets go through all of the properties that may live on your The specific options available for configuration depend on the operation you pass as the first argument to The function you define behaves almost exactly like This property allows you to configure the name of the prop that gets passed down to your component.
If you want to start and stop polling dynamically then you may use Whether or not updates to the network status or network error should trigger re-rendering of your component.The higher order component created when you pass a mutation to To learn more about how mutations work, be sure to check out the An object or function that returns an object of options that are used to configure how the query is fetched and updated.The options available for use in this object depend on the operation type you pass in as the first argument to The properties accepted in this options object may also be accepted by the The variables which will be used to execute the mutation operation. There are options specific to queries and mutations.You can define config.options as a plain object, or you can compute your options from a function that takes the component's props as an argument.The config.props property allows you to define a map function that takes the props (and optionally lastProps) added by the graphql() function (props.data for queries and props.mutate for mutations) and allows you to compute a new props (and optionally lastProps) object that will be provided to the component that graphql() is wrapping.The function you define behaves almost exactly like mapProps config.props is most useful when you want to abstract away complex functions calls into a simple prop that you can pass down to your component.Another benefit of config.props is that it also allows you to decouple your pure UI components from your GraphQL and Apollo concerns.
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