Click on the fault line for a description. The map also shows earthquakes of magnitudes between 1.5 and 7.0 occurring in these areas between 1970 and 2003.
Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. However, experts say the 800-mile fault which passes through much of California including the San Francisco Bay Area, is overdue for a major earthquake along with the 70-mile Hayward Fault … You look up and see all these fissures in these boulders,” said Richard Schwartz, Bay Area historian and author of the book “Earthquake Exodus 1906.”Past quakes have been powerful enough to split boulders in north Berkeley, where the northern Hayward Fault passes through. This map was created by a user. The This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The 4.5 temblor was preceded by a smaller magnitude 2.5 quake that rocked the same area about 10 minutes before, according to Residents still shaken up from yesterday's quake shared their experience. PDF Version 33x46 inches / 26.8mb.
The map shows the major seismic faults in the San Francisco Bay Area (colored lines) and the epicenters of the recorded earthquakes of magnitude 5 or … Bay Area Faults (99 kB) This view of Bay Area Faults is intended solely as an educational tool. Regardless, they can still produce deadly and destructive quakes. People are worried if the recent quakes could trigger the "Big One," on the San Andreas Fault line— the boundary between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. You can view historic damage photographs side-by-side with modern photos taken from the same vantage point. USGS researchers say the Hayward Fault is a "tectonic time bomb," due anytime for another big quake. Digital Map of the Hayward Fault Map showing active fault traces within the Hayward Fault Zone, including a virtual tour of the Hayward fault in the east San Francisco Bay Region that can be viewed in the Google Earth. The layer, NSHM Fault Sources, Slab 2.0 Depth Contours, USGS Quaternary Faults, cannot be added to the map. While there is no definite answer, experts say the According to USGS, there's a 72 percent chance a 6.7 magnitude earthquake will strike the San Francisco Bay Area in the next Monday's jolt is a good lesson in preparedness. Within the app you can use the widgets located at the top of the page to find faults by name, location, or reference. Aug. 24, 2014, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake, the largest in the San Francisco Bay Area in over 25 years, severely shook the Bay Area for 10 to 20 seconds, depending on location. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. So it's probably worth knowing where the major fault lines in the Bay Area are. Sara Zendehnam reportsThe earthquake centered in Pleasant Hill, struck at 10:33 p.m. and had a preliminary depth of 9 miles. Exploring earthquake fault lines in Google Earth July 16, 2014 We’ve talked about Earthquakes quite a lot over the years , as Google Earth is a great tool for … The 72 percent probability of a magnitude (M) 6.7 or greater earthquake in the region includes well-known major plate-boundary faults, lesser-known faults, and unknown faults. Learn how to create your own. See for yourself by examining the detailed mapping of the Hayward Fault. SF, Bay Area, California, USA. JPG Version 33x46 inches / 1.6mb. 20MB ZIP fileView past earthquakes in Google Earth. The extent of the LiDAR data is shown by the cyan colored outlines. In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey says there are at least 32 faults and researchers say each one has the potential to cause major damage. Zoom in and click on any recent quake for more specific location data. ©2020 FOX Television Stations "The bed started to rumble light then everything jumping up and down things falling I couldn’t get out of bed make a run once," said Shawn Kelly of Martinez. You can also learn how urbanization has changed the Bay Area landscape since 1868.Interactive tour of San Francisco Bay Area faults and earthquake history featuring ground-shaking maps, historic photographs, quotes from earthquake survivors, and more.1-meter resolution bare earth hillshades from the Northern California GeoEarthScope LiDAR topography dataset. It was crazy, pretty shocking. The faults shown here are represented by simple lines which do not convey how complicated they can be. Earthquakes and Faults in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Mouseover this map to see the names of the faults (in red) nearest you.
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