horse in latin

The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today. horse translation in English-Latin dictionary. By comparison 'cowboy' is sometimes unfortunately used in a context that has absolutely nothing to do with cattle or the men who work them - instead inferring someone is incompetent or shifty.I would like to add more horse-related words to the following lists so if you can These 3 coffee-table style books are designed to be a set. { But because I am not a linguistics expert all words & meanings translated here should be cross checked with other sources before being quoted, because I am not able to guarantee there are no errors.To see hundreds of beautiful photos of Australian stock horses at work on the world's largest cattle stations, purchase the best-selling books noun masculine equorum. steed, stallion, mare, pegasus constellation. We hope this will help you to understand Latin better. Dictionary Entries near horse. utebantur, a tribunis militum reliquisque equitibus Romanis atque evocatis He, while he was endeavoring to render assistance to his brother who was surrounded by the greatest intrepidity, as long as he was able to maintain the conflict.hostibus auxilium ferret, illum ex periculo eripuit, ipse vulnerato deiectus, quoad potuit, fortissime restitit; cum circumventus atque id frater, qui iam proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est.conscendere, cum non amplius legionem tironum haberet unam, vix DC.

steed, stallion, mare, pegasus constellation.

} horse chestnut. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.ascended the rampart, and sending out some Spanish despairing of success, drew off their troops from the assault.Cum celeriter nostri arma cepissent vallumque adscendissent atque una ex parte Hispanis emissis equestri proelio superiores fuissent, desperata re hostes suos ab oppugnatione reduxerunt.Nor did he stop there, but with the same dispatch, collecting a few of his flying troops, and halting neither been told, that he had been so deceived in his expectation, that he was almost persuaded that he had been betrayed by those from whom he had expected victory, as they began the fight.ex fuga nactus, nocturno itinere non intermisso, comitatu XXX ad mare pervenit navemque frumentariam conscendit, saepe, se opinionem fefellisse, ut, a quo genere hominum victoriam sperasset, ab eo initio fugae facto paene proditus videretur.

from the Gauls, with a long train of baggage, according to traveling, had arrived there; there were besides about six thousand people of all descriptions, with slaves and freed men.


} adjective masculine } The bravest of these were from the Aquitani and the mountaineers, who border on the Province in Gaul.Caesar legiones in Hispaniam praemiserat VI, auxilia peditum V milia, III milia, quae omnibus superioribus bellis habuerat, et quam ipse pacaverat, nominatim ex omnibus civitatibus nobilissimo et fortissimo quoque evocato, huc optimi generis hominum ex Aquitanis montanisque, qui Galliam provinciam attingunt addiderat.Besides these, he expected two legions from Syria, with Scipio; from Crete, Lacedaemon, Pontus, Syria, and other states, he got about three thousand slingers, two thousand mercenary soldiers, and seven thousand ; six hundred of which, Deiotarus had brought from Praeter has exspectabat cum Scipione ex Syria legiones ex Ponto atque Syria reliquisque civitatibus III milia numero habebat, funditorum cohortes sescenarias II, Pompey, as soon as our men had forced the trenches, mounting his , and stripping off his general's habit, went hastily gate of the camp, and galloped with all speed to Larissa.Pompeius, iam cum intra vallum nostri versarentur, nactus, detractis insignibus imperatoris, decumana porta se ex castris and auxiliaries he sends to all parts to which he was told the enemy without effect, as our men generally returned loaded with booty. Do not trust the horse, Trojans! It is very difficult to obtain accurate information on specific agricultural words (particularly in languages written in unfamiliar scripts).Please let me know if you have any suggested additions and corrections.There is a multitude of words derived from ‘horse’ and ‘cow’ in different languages.

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