As children, many of us are pushed into the box of male or female. 2 min read.
Female energy without masculine energy is not whole; it feels unsupported; it is not focused; it is scattered and unstable; it is without purpose, and as a result it has no sense of success. To be connected with your feminine roots is to allow the right opportunities and people to come your way, while having faith that your actions will be rewarded.
More importantly, I am talking about your personal masculine and feminine balance. You stop controlling the relationship and your man.
Feminine energy is receptive, patient, and grounded in being, not doing. Focus, boundaries, and assertiveness may be challenging for you when you have lost touch with your masculine energy.On the contrary, when the masculine energy is in excess, you may be dominating, or pushing past your limits.
The media can further reinforce these pigeonholes. These two energies, when in balance, can lead to flow and harmony in your inner and outer worlds. You can be artistic yet objective.
Balancing feminine and masculine energy is about knowing which one feels natural for you. Masculine energy is action-oriented.
Masculine energy is action-oriented. If it's you, then you're stealing his masculine role. Feminine energy is a receptive, right-brained energy. As you take this role from him, he feels like something is off in the relationship.This is the number one cause of why and how a man loses attraction for a woman, both physically and emotionally.
Yet, if we are too much in our feminine, we can come across as weak and lose our personal power.
Too much of the feminine essence can manifest as codependency, victimhood, and as a lack of emotional intelligence.Generalizations and stereotypes often swing us from balance to one side of the spectrum.
Or is it you doing and giving all the time? Just like night and day, light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies are two poles that are an integral part of everything that exists in the Universe. You may come across as irresponsible or have low self-esteem. Rigid ways of being and the lack of self-expression are signs that you may be out of touch with the feminine energy.On the other hand, when the feminine energy in you is in excess, you can be too sheltering toward others. Feminine energy is receptive, patient, and grounded in being, not doing. Set aside daily time to work through your feelings; meditate (the out breath is known to be the feminine energy, so try big exhales) and journal mindfully. How Sal Khan's Academy Turned Into The School For 100 Million PeopleIowa Researchers See Wasted Potential In Agricultural BiofuelsEvidence Slowly Building For Long-Term Heart Problems Post-COVID-19How A New Solar And Lighting Technology Could Propel A Renewable Energy TransformationEffortless Living: Finding Joy in Today's World - Sadhguru Jaggi VasudevHow Sal Khan's Academy Turned Into The School For 100 Million PeopleIowa Researchers See Wasted Potential In Agricultural BiofuelsEvidence Slowly Building For Long-Term Heart Problems Post-COVID-19How A New Solar And Lighting Technology Could Propel A Renewable Energy TransformationEffortless Living: Finding Joy in Today's World - Sadhguru Jaggi VasudevThe Seeker King: A Spiritual Biography of Elvis Presley.Bird Deaths Down 70 Percent After Painting Wind Turbine BladesThese 24 Socrates Quotes Will Make You Question LifeBreathing For Life: The Mind-Body Healing Benefits Of PranayamaBreathe Yourself To Sleep: 7 Breathing Exercises To Help You Nod OffWhat the Psychedelic Drug Ayahuasca Showed Me About My LifeThe Seeker King: A Spiritual Biography of Elvis Presley.Awaken Interviews Anthony (Tony) Robbins Pt 1 - Step More Into Your HeartIn Praise of Memorization: 10 Proven Brain BenefitsAwaken Interviews Anthony (Tony) Robbins Pt 3 - The Awakened Masculine And FeminineAwaken Interviews Byron Katie - Everything Separate Vanishes In The Light Of AwarenessHow Sal Khan's Academy Turned Into The School For 100 Million PeopleEvidence Slowly Building For Long-Term Heart Problems Post-COVID-19Iowa Researchers See Wasted Potential In Agricultural BiofuelsPsychedelic Drugs Eye Long Trip To Legalization But This U.S. IPO Won't WaitA Visual Guide To Leafy Greens: How To Cook And Store ThemHow A New Solar And Lighting Technology Could Propel A Renewable Energy Transformation Perhaps you create a pro-and-con list for a decision that you have to make, but then you let yourself Whether you identify as male or female, you can balance both the feminine and masculine energies within you. The feminine energy that’s within each and every one of us helps us to be sensitive, compassionate, and gentle.When the feminine energy is deficient, you can be emotionally unavailable or creatively blocked.
It’s important to create a space for yourself, so that you can tune into your feelings and intuition.
If you have been with your man for a long time or you are married, these principles remain the same.
The happier you are, the more comfortable he feels around you, and the more charmed he is by you. It’s time to consciously take care of yourself. Once you begin to understand that having some sort of energetic balance brings you into wholeness, your softness and strength will push you in a positive direction. It moves forward, it takes action, it controls. Men want to give, they want to please you, and make you happy, but they need you to step back and give them the space to do it.If you're constantly moving toward a man, he has nowhere to go but backward (which is another way to say away from you).
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