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This means that there is a 10% chance of potentially-damaging earthquake shaking in your project area in the next 50 years. In Santo Domingo, it wreaked havoc on several houses and buildings. On October 8 and 12, 1751, they were felt in Santo Domingo. Last strong earthquake (Dominican Republic September 22, 2003 6:45 AM - magnitude: 6.4) contributed to damage a moderate number of well-built structures in populated areas of Dominican Republic. The tsunami occurred after an earthquake of 7.6 degrees on the Richter scale with the epicenter in the Canal de la Mona.“The sea convulsed away and returned violently,” Delanoy notes in the book, which also recounts the earthquakes that have struck the island since 1492.On August 4, 1946 at 1:51 in the afternoon a tidal wave swept the bay of Samaná, then the sea went away, but returned and devastated the town of Matancita in Nagua.A tsunami also entered the Dominican Republic in 1984, however, this one did not have much notoriety.Delanoy, who is the director of the National Center of Seismology, says that when sea waves move toward the coast after an earthquake generates a tsunami, there is some luminescence in the waves.“The sea water is permanently in motion. Personalized E-mail earthquake alerts for this area. Jump to: Quake Data | User Reports | Earlier quakes in same area. The wide spread feeling in the country is one of great sorrow and prayer for the injured and their families. Please visit FEMA information on tsunami readiness. A wave is the movement of seawater, caused by wind, earthquakes, temperature differences or tides. I did't feel it. Its intensity was 11.Again in 1614 an earthquake occurs in Santo Domingo.The church of Azua was destroyed by an earthquake in 1665.In 1673, the earth was totally destroyed in Santo Domingo, with a density of 9.In the years 1684, 1686 and 1691, the island experienced earthquakes.Santo Domingo, was destroyed on November 9, 1701 by an earthquake.In the years 1713, 1734 and 1751, the island again felt strong tremors. Earthquakes were felt on the island again in 1770, 1771 and 1775.Santiago again felt strong earth tremors on February 11 and 12, 1783, there was heavy damage to the church and brick houses.On May 7, 8, 9, 10 and 21, 1842, a catastrophe occurred throughout the island.

In the Dominican Republic, large earthquakes are not very frequent and tidal waves are practically non-existent, although historically significant events have been recorded in different parts of the country in past decades. Our expert volcanologists and photographers offer unique travel experiences: Excellent information for anyone wishing to visit and enjoy active volcanoes safely. Detailed guidelines to 42 different volcanoes around the world.If you felt this quake (or if you were near the epicenter), The perceived shaking intensity is given according to the Please wait while we search through millions of records.Click here to search our database for earlier earthquakes in the same area since 1900!A selection of photos of different features: lava flows, lava fountains, lava lakes, fumaroles and more. In Puerto Plata, the Convent of San Pedro Mártir, built in 1526 and the church of the Dominican Fathers, was the most damaged. Also on the morning of October 18, 1918, which destroyed Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.Of the earthquake that occurred on August 4, 1946, with a magnitude of 8.1 on the Ritcher scale, much has been written in these days of the strong devastation it wrought throughout the country, mainly in Santo Domingo and in Matanzas and Nagua (Julia Molina).The book “Aspects of Dominican Seismology” by Dominican writer Ramón Delanoy also cites a tsunami that hit the east coast of the Dominican Republic on October 10, 1918. In Puerto Plata the underwater cable breaks.There were 36 shocks, the strong ones on January 2, 13 and 21, 1898, in Santiago.In the 20th century, there were numerous shocks. I felt this quake.

Tsunamis – A Tsunami is a series of huge waves (up to 100 feet high) that occur after an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption.

On October 6, 1911, known as the San Bruno earthquake, which ruined the church of San Juan de la Maguana. A Brief History of Earthquakes in the Dominican Republic.

In the area you have selected (Dominican Republic) earthquake hazard is classified as medium according to the information that is currently available.

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