The following 77 files are in this category, out of 77 total. Montes Apenninus (it); Montes Apenninus (fr); Апеннины (Луна) (ru); Montes Apenninus (de-ch); Montes Apenninus (de); Montes Apenninus (vi); Montes Apenninus (en-gb); 亚平宁山脉 (zh); Montes Apenninus (id); Montes Apenninus (cs); アペニン山脈 (ja); Montes Apeninos (pt-br); Montes Apenninus (ca); Montes Apenninus (lb); Montes Apenninus (pl); Місячні Апенніни (uk); Montes Apenninus (nl); Montes Apenninus (es); Apeniny (sk); Mons Ampère (sv); Montes Apenninus (fi); Montes Apenninus (en); Montes Apenninus (en-ca); Σεληνιακά Απέννινα (el); Montes Apeninos (pt) cordillera de la Luna (es); monte lunare (it); lunar feature (en); جبل (ar); mal (sq); góry księżycowe (pl) The impact uplifted nearby crustal material to form the arc-shaped mountain range.Montes Apenninus is a part of a distinct geological feature we see on the Moon called All of Moon Monday’s contents are published under the freedom-respecting Toggle mute Use …
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Repeat track. One of those sights I'll never forget. Volume. Shuffle. Montes Apenninus Montes Caucasus AS11-44-6665HR.jpg 607 × 187; 28 KB Moon in Lappeenranta.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 2.09 MB Moon Pan - Hadley Delta with LM and LRV.jpg 10,463 × 1,608; 3.46 MB Montes Apenninus photographiée par la sonde LRO. On the east end of the mountain range lies the mountain Mons Hadley Delta, near which NASA’s historical Apollo 15 mission landed. De Montes Apenninus zijn een gebergte op de Maan, genoemd naar de Apennijnen in Itali ë. Ze beginnen vlak ten westen van de inslagkrater Eratosthenes, die tegen de zuidelijke flank van het gebergte aanligt.
Montes Apenninus là một dãy núi gồ ghề ở phía bắc mặt gần của Mặt trăng.Chúng được đặt theo tên của dãy núi Apennine ở Ý.Với sự hình thành của chúng có niên đại khoảng 3,9 tỷ năm, Montes Apenninus … Montes Apenninus Montes Apenninus. Para outros usos Apeninos, consulte Apeninos (disambiguation). Montes Apeninos ; LRO imagem. Este artigo é sobre a cordilheira lunar. Called Montes Apenninus, it forms the south-eastern border of Montes Apenninus was formed ~3.8 to 3.9 billion years ago when the basin of Mare Imbrium was excavated as a result of an impact by an asteroid-sized body. Follow Share. Preview. Da Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Montes Apenninus . Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) A moment of decent seeing showing the Montes Apenninus mountain range bathed in a stunning low light. All Popular tracks Tracks Albums Playlists Reposts Follow Share. Les monts Apennins , en latin Montes Apenninus , appelés aussi chaîne des Apennins ou massif des Apennins , sont une chaîne de montagnes lunaire , nommée par Johannes Hevelius [ 1 ] d'après la chaîne montagneuse des Apennins en Italie . Skip to previous Play current Skip to next.
Next up. Montes Apenninus is home to the Moon’s tallest mountain Mons Huygens, which soars 5.5 km high, though its not the highest point on the Moon. From Apollo 15 rock samples, we know that the impact that formed Imbrium basin happened several hundred million … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Montes Apeninos - Montes Apenninus. This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. De Montes Apenninus vormen de zuidoostelijke rand van de Mare Imbrium en de noordwestelijke rand van het plateau Terra Nivium. Los Montes Apenninus (Montes Apeninos) son una cordillera situada en la parte norte de la cara visible de la Luna, bautizada en alusión a los Montes Apeninos en Italia.La cadena montañosa, que es la más importante del satélite, se encuentra al sur de los Montes Alpes y tiene una longitud de casi 600 km, [1] y su cumbre más alta es el Mons Huygens, con 5500 m de altitud.
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