There must be no white markings above the horse's knee or hock, except for minimal white facial markings. Just 2 hours east of Knoxville, TN and 2 hours west of Asheville, NC, Wes Ben is close enough to civilization yet far enough away to give the horses a real taste of nature. During the ride to Colorado by way of the Oregon Trail, the mare gave birth to a foal destined to become “The Rocky Mountain Stud Colt of 1890”. At that time, only one horse could claim that title for the year. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. It is a fully operational family farm producing Rocky Mountain Horses, Red Devon cattle and quality hay to sell. After many years of riding and owning a variety of other breeds we attended a horse fair in Arden, NC and saw a beautiful gaited horse. SINCE 1997. We have many beautiful quality horses to choose from - Trail Horses, Show Horses, Broodmares (bred and unbred), Stallions as … The horses have well-shaped, well-defined ears and a medium-sized head.
Our Stallions. Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Horse Association website, the official Internet source for information about the magnificent ROCKY MOUNTAIN HORSE, truly ‘One Horse For All Occasions’ We are proven breeders striving for continual improvement knowing full well the consistent quality of our stock that we produce and offer for sale. We love this breed so much that introducing others to this wonderful horse has become our goal. Spotted Mountain Horses are also registered in the Kentucky Mountain Association. Renowned Breeders of Rocky Mountain & Kentucky Mountain Horses. If you have any questions about our horses or mountain horses, please feel free to email or call us. He was used as a trail horse before, during and after his short show life retiring at the age of 3 at the top of his game, undefeated. Kentucky Blue was ridden as a three year old by Sharon Locke to achieve the honors of 1997 International Grand Champion Under Saddle and Sam Tuttle Award Winner. The Rocky Mountain Horse is a gaited breed exhibiting a NATURAL smooth, lateral 4-beat gait. Locate horse shows in your area; Find breeders, equine services, trainers or sales in your area; Join RMHA; We hope you enjoy browsing the website and find the information you’re seeking. More Raising mountain horses with smooth gaits, calm disposition and beautiful colors! McGuire Farms will always have Rocky Mountain Horses. The Rocky Mountain Horse Association can trace their lineage to a 3rd generation descendant of the fabled colt named Tobe. McGuire Farms began its history with the Rocky Mountain Horse in 1990 with the purchase of four brood mares. Every rider is looking for that perfect trail companion. Old bloodlines from generations of McGuire breeding. If you have any questions, please email the RMHA General Manager, at When: Saturday October 10th, 2020 Where: Wherever ...Click here to get the latest RMHA news. We bred, raised and trained our top stallion, Kentucky Blue, as a direct product of our genetics. learn more.Also, if you're intersted in Boarding at our Stables, you can visit our Boarding Page. away to give the horses a real taste of nature. This enables the horse to conserve energy and travel long distances without tiring – an attribute widely desired in the sport of endurance riding, where gaited horses have shown increased popularity.Today Rocky Mountain horses are used for cattle work, trail riding, and pleasure riding. He is double silver with no red gene and no white markings. She enjoyed her retirement here and was buried on the farm in 2012. (360) 701-7746 ||All images and content on this site are the property protected by Copyright and not for use without written permission OUR HISTORY with the ROCKY. We offer just a few horses each year for sale - we raise & train Rocky Mountain Horses for the joy this special breed brings us and to share them with others. Beautiful solid black with no red gene. "Bald faced" horses are not accepted.The chest of a Rocky Mountain Horse should be broad, with a space between the forelegs. Sale Horses. A job well done! Just 2 hours east of Knoxville, TN and 2 hours west of We at Rocky Mountain Run pride ourselves in our horses ability to maintain smooth gait on a loose rein without using a bit. All rights reserved.
This mare was likely part of an island herd, as island-herding was a sure way of containing larger herds in an otherwise rugged country. CONTACT.
McGuire Farms began its history with the Rocky Mountain Horse in 1990 with the purchase of four brood mares.
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