Items such as an R U OK? Every few weeks we'll send you conversation tips and the latest news from our staff, experts and supporters.Events are a great way to bring people together face-to-face and online to see the power of conversation, learn R U OK?’s 4 conversation steps, connect and get to know one another a little better. It’s apparently used as a joke by people in offices who think mental illness is worth joking about. It’s shocking to know that according to Kids Matter, it is estimated that 1 in 7 school-age children have a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression and behaviour problems. RUOK? R U OK? It is hoped that this will build personal and social resilience and help people feel they are cared for and valued as an individual.Now in its sixth year, the Covid-19 situation is forcing organisers to do something different, so they are planning a ‘virtual RUOK’ day. I still feel like no-one would care of I ended it all.
In fact, the problem only appears when your answer to that question is met with unpreparedness or even with just the fact that there’s not a real answer. Right?If anything it should be a day to strongly promote services like Employee Assistance Programs, Helpline, Kids Helpline and other social services. I then back this up with knowing that if I do, there are people who actually want me around and I am being selfish in having those thoughts.Lastly I have come to terms as best as one can, that I am going to have these thoughts. I take medication (or did, I ran out and don’t want to ask for time off to see my mental healthcare professional).I’m sure R U OK means well but honestly, I feel (in my workplace at least) the question is asked in jest, almost sarcastically.I made the mistake of admitting I was not OK at work.Please go and get your medication. And as mentioned by another commenter above, the person’s GP is always a good starting point. and then I listen to Dory and just keep driving, just keep driving, driving, driving, driving…I’m kind of torn on this issue, on one hand I’m no stranger to mental health issues and suicidal ideations, but on the other hand I can see the article writer’s point of view, having one day where it’s suddenly acceptable for random workmates to ask what is a deeply personal question if answered honestly is quite bizarre and invites superficial and dishonest answers.Ironically, the kind of workmate who you would actually answer honestly to are the kind that make the effort to get to know you as a person throughout the entire year, and would ask the question whenever they thought it might be necessary. But I literally, that day, had one of my ‘tough kids’ speak to me about how he feels pressured to perform on the field and it’s driving him ‘insane’ and he’s lashing out at others as a way to cope (his words, not mine) and one of the girls break down crying due to bullying (including the writing of her name in bathroom stalls in the boys toilets etc), when I noticed them both not engaging in the teasing and mocking of the day when they’re normally those sorts of kids. But if you do, or you think you need help asking for help, that’s cool too’R U OK day may not be for you. Day is a reminder for all Australians to make more time for the people in their lives who matter most and in the process help create a more connected world for all of us. The People who try to end their lives once are the most likely to end their lives for good. Send 3 people a genuine compliment right now. I am going to transition from catching the bus to stepping out in front of it for no apparent reason. If I had someone ask me this question back then and if this day was as big as it is now when I was going through it, I would have loved to have people ask me. A friend on Facebook recently told a story about how they helped a close mate stop himself from “doing something stupid” after they asked if he was OK. ÖBB-Technische Services, a subsidiary of the Austrian State Railways’ Rail Cargo Group and Voestalpine Stahl have signed a 50:50 joint venture...
Whilst it’s great for shining a lens onto the very dark nature of suicide, there are probably more useful ways to encourage struggling employees (eg talking to a professional via their EAP).Now you can get the top stories from Lifehacker delivered to your inbox. DAY 2016. I guarantee you, if we didn’t have that day, they’d both be stuck in the position they were, rather than now where I’ve worked with the schools guidance officer and Chaplain, calling in parents and other teachers to help sort these situations out.In my opinion the day does work, it might not be to the scale people want it to, it might not be in the way others want it to, people might be disgruntled it doesn’t appear to or whatnot, but I’ve seen directly the results it can have and the effects it can have, so I’m quite happy for it to go on. “Those of us who aren’t sick can pat ourselves on the back that we’ve done something good today, and go on with our lives.”I don’t say this to be glib, or to shame or ostracise those who genuinely want to help. Simply scroll down and download the Tell us which of the below is the best fit. 1. But if it works for even one person, i’m proud to be part of it.As a person dealing with fluctuating states of depression, how I am supposed to respond to this question from casual friends or acquaintances when my the people who I consider/ed my nearest and dearest haven’t been able to handle it?I applaud the concept, it’s far too casual for what could be a such a loaded response, and it’s really only asked by do-gooders who, as good intentioned as they are, tend to be the type that you don’t want invested in your personal business. See more ideas about This or that questions, Suicide prevention, Are you ok. It’s OK to experience these emotions but by being prepared and knowing what to say, we can minimise awkwardness and reduce the pressure in these situations.R U OK? I’m sorry if your colleague was not prepared for your reality, but the next person to ask might be. And there’s always the chance that someone — a colleague, a close friend, or a loved one — will end up telling you anyway, whether you’re prepared or not.There’s a word for people in certain jobs and positions most likely to notice when people are at risk of suicide.
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