The data provided by the also states that the number of teenagers injured in motor vehicle accidents during the year was 292,742. However, according to the NHTSA, a whopping 660,000 drivers use their electronic devices while driving.women tend to text and drive more frequently than men. In the United States, about 9 people are killed every day due to car crashes that involved a distracted … This age group already has the least amount of driving experience as any other on the road, which is why these distractions are so dangerous for them.A report provided by a AAA poll indicates that a teen driver with an additional passenger is at a much higher risk of having a fatal accident than a teen driver without any passengers. The US is the second largest car market in the world, and the number of vehicles on the road has been rising steadily since the 1990s. Even though they are under the legal drinking age limit, alcohol is, after speeding, the most common cause of car crash fatalities in this age group.Once again, male teenage drivers seem to be more reckless, with 27% of male car crash calamities under the age of 21 having traces of alcohol in their system.Even though females under the age of 21 are less likely to drink and drive, 15% of all car crash casualties of this gender have had alcohol before the fatal accident occurred, according to Teen driving and texting is one of the major road safety hazards.
show just how important it is for drivers to keep their cell phones out of reach. The fact that Marijuana is quite popular among teens only makes this statistic much more horrifying.The most recent reports revealed that more than 12 million people ages 16 and above drove under the influence of drugs. This should serve as enough reason to park or wait until you’re at your destination before attempting to reach for anything. In the UK, every fifth driver gets into a car accident during their first year of driving.A total of 337 fatalities in motor vehicle accidents were reported in the UK during 2013.
Texting at a stop light is regarded as a crime. Drinking and driving causes many fatalities, while texting and driving leads to a greater number of accidents.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Learning to deal with the danger of distracted driving can turn out to be a bit of a marathon.
And over 21% of the teens who’ve had a car accident were distracted by the presence of their phone. This, of course, is due to electronics like GPS devices, cell phones, complicated sound systems, and many others. With the rate of fatal crashes growing alarmingly, various solutions and preventive measures have been put forward to eradicate the issue in our society today. With speed being the main factor close to a … For the first time, less than 1,000 youth under 21 died in a drunk driving crash.
I also have professional experience in the finance sector, specifically in risk analysis and portfolio management. These crashes can be caused by visual, manual, or cognitive distractions. Outside of work, I'm the father to two incredible children, Vincent and Leo`n!Subscribe to Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & reviews .
Further research signifies that 58% of crashes involving teen drivers are a result of distracted driving.According to the top statistics, reports show that texting and driving are six times more likely to lead to a car crash than drinking and driving.
show that young drivers from the UK are a bit more cautious than their American counterparts.
The Zebra set out to explore the current state of American attitudes and behaviors toward drunk driving by conducting a survey of American drivers to determine their perceptions and self-reported habits. It all depends on the wording of your state’s laws. And according to the NHTSA, teenagers make up a notable portion of these Distractions can either come as a visual distraction, a manual distraction, or a cognitive distraction. Drowsiness is almost as dangerous as drunk driving, experts point out.Despite drunk driving and texting being regarded as main distractions and accident causes for drivers of all ages, being distracted by passengers is a major factor in fatal teen crashes.Car insurance is a necessity, and that should be more clear than ever after reading through the and statistics listed above.
This goes a long way toward showing how much harm the presence of cell phones can bring to drivers. Drinking and driving is a behavior that endangers the lives and increases the insurance costs of drivers across the United States. A driver is three times more likely to crash when they eat and drive. I've had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients during my years in the property and car insurance industry, and I’ve developed in-depth knowledge of what clients want and what's best for them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The percentage of teenage driving accidents is slightly lower with older teenagers.We’ve already mentioned that speed is a factor in close to a third of all fatal teen driving accidents. No matter what meal a driver may have missed, no one is advised to have a snack while driving, especially when doing so might lead to a fatal car crash. Needless to say, this can have a serious impact on drivers’ budgets.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), driving while intoxicated is the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, and statistics show the problem is growing.
points out that 74,000 young people die or are injured every year due to this basic mistake.The majority of teenagers killed in car accidents ten years ago were drivers.
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