While formulaic in structure, the writing in this book is simplistic yet humorous and relateable to any child who has maybe one too many stuffed animals. Square format. For some this is the best part. There Were Ten in the Bed (Dial Books (Childs Play)) Hardcover – January 1, 2001 by Annie Kubler (Author) › Visit Amazon's Annie Kubler Page. Also great for early readers.Happy, happy memories for me of reading this book to my boys when they were toddlers :-)A little much for a book in hand, but a cute retelling with a variety of stuffed animals who fall, shoved, thrown out of the bed. Don’t stop to discuss other things going on in the picture too much, as this breaks up the rhythm and will be done in the second lesson12. It has great pictures, and all these different animals which they can learn the names of and see what each animal looks like from the great illustrations. It's perfect for reinforcing memorization. brush my hair• Photocopy and cut up bears for the Rubber Band Bears, approximately 4 bears per A4 sheet, then cut up some thin card the same size• Make one copy of a Rubber Band Bear by colouring it in, sticking it to some card, folding it over, punching a hole in it with half of a hole punch (making two holes when it in unfolded), putting a rubber band through the holes, and then tying it so that it stays in the hole but there are two dangling ends that you can put your fingers in.• Cut out and colour in one copy of a Ten in the Bed Flashcard Revealer, which is two pieces of A4 paper stapled together down one side with a pillow drawn on the bottom one and the top one cut short to show the pillow below. $6.99. It reminds me of my childhood and when i read it at a very young age. This allows students to be engaged in the reader as well as using math skills! Its obvious center focus is for younger children. Anyway, I'm quibbling, but since I've had to read this story MANY times, I've picked up these minor details!This is a wonderful story about a little child and his nine nursery animals. She made plasticine models of everything she could think of. Not Now Bernard– Animal Flashcard Play your Cards Right- lay out ten animal flashcards then turn them over one by one. Most of it is repetition. Then do the song with five fingers representing five in the bed and counting down as they hide their fingers– Fold some cut ups of animals, punch two holes through them (making four holes), put rubber bands through the holes, and twist the animal so the rubber bands twist together and make the animal roll over when released at the point of the song where you say “Roll over”.– Make a worksheet where the students colour in “There were seven mice in the bed” or “There were three red mice and one pink mouse in the bed” from written or spoken instructions. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Read 62 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Paperback. They all roll out of bed one by one and in the end the boy get's lonely and the animals and his teddy get back into bed. Condition: Good. Not my fav. Why is the child sleeping in a big bed with a fireplace in the room and NO toys around (except his collection of stuffed animals)? So instead of "They all rolled over and I really like this version of the classic rhyme/song. "Cute little book about a little boy playing with his stuffed animals. “What is number three?” or “What number is the giraffe?”8. cold, scared, tired, happy, surprised– Ask them to predict which character will fall out next– Ask them how many are left in the bed now and how many it will be when you turn the page– Sing the next line of the song just before you turn the page– Ask students to do actions, e.g.
When you have revealed each card, you can ask similar questions such as “What can it do?” or “What colour is it?”6. Hardcover. Pages are intact and are not marred by notes or highlighting, but may contain a neat previous owner name.
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