cat body parts and functions

Any secretions from them should be clear and watery; sticky, cloudy, bloody, yellowish or greenish nasal discharge is abnormal.You can feel your cat’s larynx (Adam’s apple) by grasping the neck on the undersurface where it meets the head. For instance, el hocico and el pescuezo are terms often used to refer to the nose (snout) and neck (scruff) of animals, not humans. Then take the cat’s temperature.Example: Take the cat’s temperature. Changes in the rate and character of a cat’s respiration may indicate disease. Repeat your physical examination at least once a week while you are learning what is normal for your cat. Look for these organs on the illustrations. Abnormal tooth placement in young cats can affect jaw development and the later placement of adult teeth, so any problems you find should be immediately brought to your veterinarian’s attention. Begin the examination by lifting each upper lip individually with the cat’s jaws closed. Be sure to examine the skin in several places over the body, on the legs, under the neck, and on the head. The digestive system absorbs and digests food and eliminates solid wastes from the body. A healthy cat’s coat is neatly groomed and clean (although tomcats often look very dirty and unkempt when healthy). The fur helps insulate against heat loss. Bird - Bird - Form and function: The structures associated with flight, even if they are vestigial or specialized for terrestrial or aquatic locomotion, easily distinguish birds from other animals. It is composed primarily of the minerals calcium and phosphorus in an organic connective tissue framework that is mainly protein. In general cats can distinguish among sounds better than either people or dogs. You cannot normally see or feel any of the components of these systems when you examine your cat. As you press down, try to move the tongue slightly forward. There are no direct methods you can use to examine this system. At any one time some hairs are falling out, some are in a resting phase, and others are growing in. If you do this properly, you will mimic your doctor’s use of a tongue depressor, allowing you to see the soft palate as a continuation of the hard palate, and the palantine tonsils. Others are missing premolars or molars. Light entering the eye passes through the cornea, anterior chamber, pupil, lens, and vitreous body before striking the retina. Are the wrist joints erect?

Anatomical Body Planes . Body Parts! If the other teeth and the gums are healthy, a few missing teeth don’t seem to cause any problems. You may also want to learn to take your cat’s temperature at this time since it should be a routine part of any physical examination and is usually taken rectally.Major portions of the male cat’s reproductive system are located externally within reach of your examination.

To do this, part the fur of longhaired cats in several places and look carefully at the skin itself. Be sure to try to observe your cat’s stools several times a week.Anal sacs have been discussed with the skin. There is no reliable way to use teeth as a guide to age, however, after a cat is mature.The anus is the specialized terminal portion of the digestive tract through which indigestible material and waste products pass as stool. They are typical of an animal designed by nature to eat a carnivorous diet. Imagine that you are in an English speaking country and you need to see a doctor, for example. The cat’s respiratory system consists of two lungs, the air passages leading to them (nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi), the diaphragm, and the muscles of the thorax.

Gums fill the upper part of the spaces between the teeth, forming a “V” (an inverted “V” with the lower teeth) you can see between each front tooth and its neighbors. The outstanding physical functions of bone are to form the skeleton, which supports and protects the soft tissues (e.g., organs, muscles, fat) of the body, and to provide levers against which the various skeletal muscles move. T cells arise in the fetal bone marrow and must be processed in the thymus gland to become functional. It consists of bones, ligaments, and cartilage. Most normal cats are very similar in Now watch your cat move. They only sweat from their footpads and nose. Do you see any signs of lameness? In a normal mouth, the upper front teeth (incisors) just overlap the lower ones. This is the area where the femoral artery passes near the skin, allowing you to feel the pulse. This agile creature has a skeletal system made up of 244 bones, with about 27 bones located in its tail, which helps with balance and movement. It helps control the flow of air through the trachea and lungs and is the location of the vocal cords responsible for your cat’s meow. In conjunction with the tongue and the mucous membranes of the mouth, the respiratory system has a secondary but extremely important function of heat regulation, since the cat has no highly developed mechanism for sweating.

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