You told me how iron was magnetic and i understand that but what is the difference between a magnet and something that is magnetic? Otherwise, the electrons in Currently, physics has two explanations for why magnetic fields align in the same direction: a large-scale theory from classical physics, and a small-scale theory called According to the classical theory, magnetic fields are clouds of energy around magnetic particles that pull in or push away other magnetic objects. Also electricity running through a wire creates a magnetic field because it has a flow of electrons in one direction. New York, This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Also, how come compasses become more inaccurate as you near the north pole? Thanks But how is this possible if they repel each other?
When reading William Gilbert "on the loadstone" I performed an experiment described at the end of the first book using a non-magnetizad iron or steel to attract each other, by putting a nail not previously magnetized floating on water or suspended by a thread , then another non magnetized iron would act as a weak magnet clearly atractiing each other.
Spin directions will represented by little arrowheads.Flip the second around the middle of its long direction and you get:Flip the second around the middle of its long direction and nothing changes, they still repel. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. : what exactly is the field itself? That is, both the core particles (neutrons and protons) and the electrons themselves act as small rod magnets with a dipole torque.It is an inherent feature of the core particles that they are magnetic to some degree. If you flip one magnet 180 degrees on its side and you leave the other magnet alone, the spin on one north pole will be clockwise and the other counterclockwise.... Why do they not attract?Hi mike, thanks for the reply but unfortunatelt because of my bad explanation i dont think you grasped my question. Theres another class of particles, called bosons, including photons, for which this principle does not apply.i cant exactly get the answer of why magnets has no effect in trees example where infact it has also an electron inside thier atoms... please expain it in a simle way for me thanks! Is she nuts or is this true? For the types of magnets we're familiar with on Earth, the practical maximum would have a few spins, and thus a few Bohr magnetons, for each atom. Actually, for something to be very strongly magnetic it takes more than just some unpaired particles.
If the average spin is in the z direction, there will be an uncertain spread of possible spins in the xy plane. I know that natural magnets have magnetic fields becuase of the electrons moving aroung inside thier atoms(while electric fields are present so are magnetic fields), but why then doenst matter like water and tree bark have natural magnetism if they also have electrons inside thier atons?why are most materials non-magnetic? Right now, the deepest things we know are all differential equations, but some people suspect that may change. The first theories on magnets date back more than 2,500 years. If you add them lengthwise you don't get a factor of two in the end-on direction but you would get a factor of two if you placed them face down on an iron surface.Far away, you do get a factor of two in the fields, even though close by it's more complicated.
Or is that a bunch of bull? Here the atomic magnetic dipole moments can either be parallel where the magnetic field currents point in the same direction, or antiparallel where they point in different directions.If they are parallel, a ferromagnetic arrangement will occur, which means that the entire material becomes magnetic with a dipole moment.However, if the magnetic fields of atoms are organized antiparallel, an antiferromagnetic arrangement will arise, in which the magnetic fields of the atoms dissolve each other and the material will not be magnetic.Intermediate can also occur.
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