Life: a history of a person's life. 'I think this blessing comes from the Divine, by reason of the innocence of his life.Once it was that he had felt a sudden great longing for the life of a gay city.It wa'n't good for him to be holed up out there in them hills all his life.That shows you what life in a great city does for the morally weak.On the contrary, indeed, he appeared to joy immensely in Percival's way of life.Your life must be saved; even if you reprove me for the means.I feel the breath of life taken away from me by the multitude.Aspasia will tell you I have been a beautiful but idle dreamer all my life.The man who has just saved his life can no doubt obtain any favour.Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers! The world’s largest and most trusted free online thesaurus. Synonyms for love of my life include angel, beloved, darling, dearest, sweetheart, baby, dear, love, sweet and honey. All My Life synonyms.
Another word for life. Definition and synonyms of (it’s the) story of my life from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. In My Life synonyms. Top synonyms for my life (other words for my life) are my own life, lifetime and my whole life. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Living things. 4 ‘I hadn't talked to my father for the last nine months of his life’ SYNONYMS lifetime , life span, days, duration of life, allotted span, course of life, time on earth, existence, one's time, one's career, threescore years and ten, this mortal coil a member of the human race Antonyms for that's the story of life. active strength of body or mind even though he's 86 years old, he still shows a lot of Top synonyms for all my life (other words for all my life) are my whole life, your whole life and forever. Find another word for life. My parents will ever move out of South Dakota and into civilization like I did. Top synonyms for light of my life (other words for light of my life) are apple of my eye, light of my eyes and sweetie. That's just A prison sentence that lasts for the life of the sentencedThe way a living thing acts in a particular environmentA person's moral or emotional nature or sense of identityThe state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty ‘armaments that threaten to eliminate life on the planet’, human life, plant life, fauna, flora, ecosystems, creatures, wildlife, humanity, humankind, mankind, man, human activity, way of living, manner of living, lifestyle, situation, position, state, station, condition, set of circumstances, fate, lot‘I hadn't talked to my father for the last nine months of his life’, life span, days, duration of life, allotted span, course of life, time on earth, existence, one's time, one's career, threescore years and ten, this mortal coil‘the Parliament Bill introduced a limit of five years for the life of any Parliament’, active life, lifetime, existence, functioning period, period of effectiveness, period of usefulness, validity, efficacy, animation, liveliness, vitality, verve, high spirits, sparkle, exuberance, zest, buoyancy, effervescence, enthusiasm, energy, vigour, dynamism, go, elan, gusto, brio, bounce, spirit, spiritedness, activity, fire, panache, colour, dash, drive, push, moving force, animating spirit, vital spirit, spirit, vital spark, life force, lifeblood, essence, core, heart, soul, strength, quintessence, substance, autobiography, life story, life history, memoir, history, profile, chronicle, account, report, portrayal, depiction, portrait, the world, the way things go, the way of it, the human condition, the times we live in, the usual state of affairs, the school of hard knocks, destiny, providence, kismet, karma, fortune, luck, chance‘he could hear the familiar sounds of a barracks coming to life’, become lively, come alive, wake up, awaken, waken, show signs of life, arouse, rouse, stir, emerge‘it was as though the carved angel by the lectern had suddenly come to life’‘he's devoted to his queen and would give his life for her’‘he gave his life to the company and could have expected some support from them’, devote oneself, give oneself, commit oneself, pledge oneself, surrender oneself, with all one's might, with might and main, urgently, with urgency, vigorously, with as much vigour as possible, for all one is worth, as fast as possible, as hard as possible, like the devilThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English?
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