Having been born with the Speed Force built into his DNA, he is the only Flash with a truly photographic memory. It does this as a means to finding the one worthy to expend the built up energy it creates as it pushes time forward, acting as its runner to maintain the delicate fabric of existence.The Speed Force can become incredibly volatile without an outlet to help expend its excess energy, often snatching people, places and things from across the eras into the Speed Force dimension, as well as depositing some of it or affecting anything and everything within it's immediate vicinity in odd ways whenever it built up to critical mass.Since the Speed Force causes existence to move forward affecting both the individual and the whole, there have been a great many who came under its influence over the years.
Wanting to see his family one last time, he visited his wife Linda and twin children.
His descendants targeted the Flashes' solidified fragment of Speed Force and invaded Keystone City to avenge their defeat on Savoth. He refused to use his powers for a year. Inertia built a machine in Los Angeles which was designed to transfer the Speed Force from Bart to himself.
The Speed Force is an energy field that grants all speedsters their power. Wally destroyed the fragment to send them back. Some speedsters have learned to manipulate their lightning to which they can project it as power arcs and blasts,Certain speedsters can use the Speed Force for more advanced applications such as time manipulation, in which they can tap into the Speed Force's power to push time and space forward. The deactivation of the machine caused a disruption in the Speed Force which not only resulted in Wally West and his family being transported back to Earth from their stay on Savoth, but also restored powers to all speedsters. Speedsters with a connection to the Speed Force can gain a connection to the Negative Speed Force by exercising their fear, hate, and anguish to such an extent that it corrupts them from the inside. Just sayin'. While being imprisoned in the Speed Force, the legend of the time remnant of Barry Allen from 2020/2021 was spread throughout the Multiverse, and across time, with the lie of his power being the first speedster to ever be granted power to the Speed Force, eventually becoming the fastest out of all of them who desired to challenge other powerful speedsters who threatened his power to battle before taking over their Earths.
I've grown fond of her too. Speedsters in their prime can travel at much faster speeds such as the max level of recorded aided speed on Earth and even reach the speed of light with enough willpower.
While fighting Superboy-Prime, Wally was nearly swept into the Speed Force. Several speedsters have merged with it, including Barry Allen, Johnny Quick, and Max Mercury. The sole survivor of the alien invasion forces that had attacked Savoth decades prior was sent back to his home dimension in a Speed Force explosion which resulted in a rapid evolution of his species. His descendants targeted the Flashes' solidified fragment of Speed Force and invaded At present, this source of energy remains the same but with a host of different, much broader effects and conceptual attributes. Max Mercury Is DC's Speed Force Guru. Speedsters mental capacities are enhanced to the extent that they can think exponentially faster than any ordinary human. However, Linda was holding the Speed Force fragment and the entire family was swept off to Savoth. Scientists on the planet Savoth had a deep understanding of the Speed Force and there were many universities devoted to its study.
Bart Allen volunteered to absorb the entire Speed Force so that he would be fast enough to stop Prime. Barry gave his speed force away, you guys. He refused to use his powers for a year. 1 History 1.1 Origin 1.2 The Flash Family 2 Notes 3 Trivia 4 See Also 5 Links The Speed Force is an energy field that grants all speedsters their power. After this crisis had been averted, Bart found that his new connection to the Speed Force threatened to kill him.
As seen in 1994, Max Mercury was the first speedster to … The Speed Force also manifests a protective aura around speedsters that protect them from the harsh effects of moving at super speeds, greatly heightening their durability. Instead of performing its intended purpose, it brought Jay Garrick, the first Flash, to Savoth. Labs were able to modify a Flash costume to contain his abilities that he was able to return to action as the fourth Flash.
To a serial killer.
Speedsters unaccustomed to their max level of speeds may detach themselves from the Speed Force or even become part of the Speed Force by accident.
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