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3. Find more ways to say closeness, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. families living in close proximity to one another. the quality or practice of being overly sparing with money verb with object closeness to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance, opening, etc. the quality or state of being very accurate This is the British English definition of closeness.View American English definition of closeness. TBC. nearness. 1; verb with object closeness to stop or obstruct (a gap, entrance, aperture, etc.

The closeness of the wedding is making …

Being near in relationship: close relatives. Meaning: closeness 'kləʊsnɪs. Being near in space or time. the state or condition of being near 8.7%. Synonyms: secrecy, secretiveness, cheapness… Antonyms: coarseness, impreciseness, imprecision… Find the right word. www.thesaurus.net/closeness#:~:text=Synonyms%20for%20Closeness%3A%201%20n.%202%20fellowship%2C%203,9%20Amore.%2010%20affinity%20%28noun%29%20More%20items...%20 Synonyms. Synonyme für closeness auf Englisch, Definition, Siehe auch 'close',coarseness',closed',closet', biespiele, konjugation closeness definition: Noun (uncountable) 1. 2.9%. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. View the pronunciation for closeness.

The state of being mean or stingy 4.

Another word for closeness: nearness, proximity, handiness, adjacency | Collins English Thesaurus ): to close a hole in a wall with plaster.

; shut. © 2018 Synonyms-thesaurus.com - All rights reserved. Another word for intimacy. closeness Bedeutung, Definition closeness: 1. being close in position or time 2. the quality of knowing someone very well, liking them a lot…. how much you get out of the sermon will depend on the
The state of being friends 3. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. handiness. bring up.

1.1%. Closeness synonyms. stand for. For months there was this happiness of the closeness of her.It really did not trouble Irene that Lorna should cling to this habit of closeness.The closeness of this vote explained the welcome that was extended to the new-comers.Closeness to the natural environment is definitive of this stage.Well, I imagine I should look at a man who preferred a claim of that sort with some closeness!Part way in she was, when her closeness to the coral edge compelled her to go about.Notwithstanding the closeness of this hole, it was excessively cold.Only he did not trouble his grandfather with the closeness of his acquaintance with his neighbours.Let us inspect with some closeness the organization of the institution.And then on top of that was the feeling of community, of closeness coming from our people.Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers!
strict attentiveness to what one is doing closeness definition: 1. being close in position or time 2. the quality of knowing someone very well, liking them a lot…. Antonym definition. And again, when Mucianus encourageth Vespasian, to take arms against Vitellius, he saith, We rise not against the piercing judgment of Augustus, nor the extreme caution or Levin kissed her smiling lips with timid care, gave her his arm, and with a new strange sense of "Moreover, while a writer who deals with [48] easy themes has no excuse if he is not pellucid to a glance, one who employs his intellect and imagination on high and hard questions has a right to demand a corresponding For though I had promised myself not to let my kinsman out of sight, I was both so impatient for a nearer look of the sea, and so sickened by the Its sides cannot yield; it coheres spontaneously, and not by the Subtly and unaware she grew toward him and closer to him, while he, sensing the growing I drew it out, and at his desire, as well as I could, expressed to him the use of it; and charging it only with powder, which, by the closed the area to development; closed the database to further changes.Management closed ranks and ostracized the troublemaker.The orbiter closed with the space station in preparation for docking.closed the book on her career with a fine performance.this ever-present feeling of the closeness of deathHe experienced a lack of closeness to his parents during childhood.That was a close shave – that car nearly ran you over.The close-up of the model showed her beautiful skin. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Closeness: the practice or habit of keeping secrets or keeping one's affairs secret. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies, which allow our services to work properly. The state of being physically close 2. the state of being in a very personal or private relationship Synonyms of 'closeness' closeness 1 (noun) in the sense of nearness. Definition of CLOSENESS (noun): being only a short distance from something; being connected by shared interests and friendly feelings; lack of ... CLOSENESS (noun) definition and synonyms | … See Usage Note at redundancy. 2. Another word for closeness. Synonyms (Other Words) for Closeness & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Closeness. The nearness of the house to the station is an added bonus. The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for "appreciate". A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Here you use the synonyms for closeness. A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. To make a final effort regarding (something); bring to a conclusion: At a close angle into the direction from which the wind is blowing: a photograph or film taken near the subject and thus big in scale. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Mein Profil Change your default dictionary to American English.

put off.

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