And none produces more disappointing answers.” In Girard’s mimetic theory it is the imitation of someone else’s desire that gives rise to conflict whenever the desired object cannot be shared. Please try your request again later. Because of mimetic desire and the rivalry it generates, asserts Girard, “whether we’re talking about marriage, friendship, professional relationships, issues with neighbors or matters of national unity, human relations are always under threat.” Literary masters including Marivaux, Dostoevsky, and Joyce understood this, as did archaic religion, which warded off violence with blood sacrifice. Pocket Book Books by, or with major contributions from, René Girard (in chronological order) Deceit, Desire, and the Novel: Self and Other in Literary Structure. , ,
Kindle Edition
Sold by: Services LLC Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
See if your friends have read any of René Girard's books ,
La chasse aux sorcières implique que juges et accusées croient en l'efficace de la sorcellerie. Les bourreaux croient à la culpabilité des victimes ; ils sont convaincus, au moment de l'apparition de la peste noire au XIVe siècle, que les juifs ont empoisonné les rivières. ( René Girard, cette fois, approche du but, de cette anthropologie générale qui est, de son propre aveu, le projet ultime de son œuvre : c’est pourquoi il nous donne là peut-être un des livres clés pour comprendre les mystères de notre monde et de ses plus lointaines, de … Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Paperback The key to Sold by: Services LLC
Sold by: Services LLC , )
James Williams , Nous restons des persécuteurs mais des persécuteurs honteux.
Mass Market Paperback ) [Originally published in French, 1961; translated by Yvonne Freccero.] (
Girard’s interdisciplinary approach allows him to shed new light on religion, spirituality, and redemption in Dostoevsky’s writing, culminating in a revelatory discussion of the author’s spiritual understanding and personal integration. “Why is there so much violence in our midst?” René Girard asks. (
Paperback Audible Audiobook
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