The Healdsburg Fault (green) runs west of Highway 101 from central Santa Rosa to south of Healdsburg. The Healdsburg Fault (green) runs west of Highway 101 from central Santa Rosa to south of Healdsburg. Santa Rosa Creek floodplain (Hecker and others, 2016) and extends along most (at least 80 percent) of the length of the Healdsburg Fault, as well as along the Rodgers Creek Fault south of Santa Rosa, suggesting that the two faults operate as a single, integrated seismic source. Shaded relief image of the Santa Rosa area showing active faults (black lines) and the detailed rupture pattern of the Rodgers Creek Fault where it crosses central Santa Rosa (in red). She was a key member of a team who recently confirmed for the first time that Rodgers runs beneath the center of Santa Rosa… By Angela Hart , … The San Andreas Fault (bright pink) intersects land in Sonoma County at Doran Beach and Bodega Bay as well as south of Fort Ross traveling north to the county line just east of the coastline.
The accompanying map and digital data identify recently active strands of the Rodgers Creek Fault in Sonoma County, California, interpreted primarily from the geomorphic expression of recent faulting on aerial photography and hillshade imagery derived from airborne lidar data. A large earthquake on the Rodgers Creek Fault that ruptures through the proposed asperity has the potential to intensely shake the sedimentary basin beneath Santa Rosa. This body of rock may be largely responsible for the pattern of surface faulting and may influence the distribution of small earthquakes (white and blue circles, blue for 1969 aftershocks) and the occurrence of the damaging 1969 earthquakes (approximately located by blue stars).Google Earth image of central Santa Rosa (dated 24 October 2009) showing the surface trace of the Rodgers Creek Fault (red lines) and the inferred location of the fault prior to this study (orange dotted line). Areas of Liquefaction To serve a range of users, the map is presented in several formats: as an image map, as a digital database for use within GIS, and as a KML file for visualizing the fault using virtual globe software.Important outcomes of this mapping revision include the following: (1) a northward 17-km increase in the known length of Holocene-active faulting to include most of the Healdsburg Fault, a structural continuation of the Rodgers Creek Fault northwest of a bend in the fault at Santa Rosa; (2) first-time identification of fault strands across the Santa Rosa Creek floodplain in central Santa Rosa; (3) increases in the known width and complexity of faulting; and (4) identification of fault splays that project toward the Bennett Valley-Maacama Fault system to the east and toward a recently mapped active extension of the Hayward Fault to the south beneath San Pablo Bay.Hecker, S., and Randolph Loar, C.E., 2018, Map of recently active traces of the Rodgers Creek Fault, Sonoma County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3410, 7 p., 1 sheet, or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format Hecker likened the technology to the machines used in stores to scan barcodes.The detailed data has been used in other studies, such as one that helped the Sonoma County Water Agency know where to reinforce its water aqueduct as it passes across the fault zone. This dense, magnetic body of rock appears to be in contact with the east side of the Rodgers Creek Fault, and its northern end is associated with concentrations of small earthquakes, mainly aftershocks from the 1969 magnitude 5.6 and 5.7 Santa Rosa earthquakes. The Maacama Fault (blue) runs from north of Mark West Spring to Cloverdale, also west of Highway 101. Some, like the incline of a few feet on Sonoma Avenue east of French-American Charter School, are too gradual for most people to notice. But Hecker said this is the first time the data was integrated with other information to create a detailed portrait of the urban fault zone.The greater width of the fault zone is one key finding, Hecker said. The Maacama Fault (blue) runs from north of Mark West Spring to Cloverdale, also west of Highway 101. Publication (Other) USGS Scientific Investigations Map 2018 Menlo Park, CA USGS This updated map of the Rodgers Creek section of the Rodgers Creek Fault is based primarily on new mapping from interpretation of geomorphic expression of active faulting on high-resolution lidar imagery and, to a lesser extent, on aerial photography and from field mapping. Liquefaction describes the reduction of soil robustness and strength when an earthquake occurs. The purpose of the map is to update the fundamental fault dataset for characterizing surface-rupture hazard, siting slip-rate and paleoseismic studies, and studying the geometry and evolution of slip. A recently active fault strand is defined here as having evidence consistent with slip during the Holocene epoch (approximately the past 11,700 years).
These “scarps” are like vertical scars on the landscape. If you no longer want to follow a story, click the "Unfollow" link on that story. The large area of dense magnetic rock on the eastern side of the fault may be grabbing the softer rock on the western side, creating a “stuck patch” that is building up pressure in the fault, Hecker said.“The suggestion is that if the stuck patch releases in a strong earthquake, that it could cause a relatively strong shaking,” Hecker said.The area of dense, magnetic rock deep beneath the surface has been identified by previous studies.But Hecker’s analysis suggests that the mass — which may extend several miles beneath the surface — could be responsible not only for the buildup of pressure, but also the existence of multiple fault lines on the surface above and quake activity to the north, notably the 1969 quakes, which had magnitudes of 5.6 and 5.7.The new study does not give new insightsinto when the next quake might strike along the fault.
One passes close to the Santa Rosa French-American Charter School on Sonoma Avenue. The combined Rodgers Creek-Hayward Fault extends from Santa Rosa to San Jose (both outside the frame), two cities that were also badly damaged in the 1906 earthquake. Rodgers Creek Fault (dark purple) runs from south of Highway 12 to central Santa Rosa, west of Highway 101. (These can't be changed, choose wisely!)
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