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Du möchtest keine Anzeigen sehen? 50.280 Wir können dir diesen Textauszug gerade nicht zeigen. Rome by Dermot Kennedy [Verse 1] So, what’s the past for?
Rome chords by Dermot Kennedy.
Wir vorstellen Ihnen den Text und die Übersetzung von Rome, ein neues Lied, das von Dermot Kennedy aus dem Album 'Without Fear' entnommen erschaffen wurde.
Difficulty: novice.
He is signed to Interscope Records and released a collection of previously released songs, Dermot Kennedy, on 4 January 2019 through Riggins Recording Limited.
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Guitar Ukulele Piano new.
Rome Lyrics: So, what's the past for?
He performs live with a full band, including a drummer, bassist, lead guitarist, and violinist. Yes No.
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Titel kaufen I'll need it if love don't last long / You can run around infinite in my head / Oh, you can't see, oh, I'd stay if you asked me / Now you know I care, but
He is signed to Interscope Records, and released a collection of previously released songs, Dermot Kennedy, on 4 January 2019 through Riggins Recording Limited. It almost appears that he is confused as to why they did break up, he states towards the end of the song ‘we were right on our feet though right?’ saying we were happy right, we were good together.
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