Bee feminine gender

Their geniology is complicated. The swarming drones, as they actively follow the queen, reportedly resemble a “drone comet”, dissolving and reforming as the drones chase the virgin queen. When what the bee does is narrated in the Qur'an, the verb is conjugated in the feminine form. However, the Qur'an informed this and the news turned out to be true as it was informed.Is there any other way than accepting the Qur'an as the book of Allah in the face of this great miracle of Qur'an, which amazes people? The result is a haploid egg, with chromosomes having a new combination of alleles at the various loci. The people of that time did neither know that the worker bees were female nor that the works of building the comb and producing honey were performed by female worker bees. However, the Qur'an uses the feminine form of the verb when it gives information about the inspiration which is given to the bee and what the bee does. To clarify this answer, a worker bee is an infertile female and under normal circumstances cannot reproduce. Congregation areas are typically used year after year, with some spots showing little change over 12 years. You will also notice that male bees do not have stingers. At this point, it is a race to mate with the virgin queen, to be genetically represented in the newly founded colony. If the queen’s sting chamber is not fully opened, mating is unsuccessful, so some males that mount the queen do not transfer semen. The drone endophallus is designed to disperse a large quantity of seminal fluid and spermatozoa with great speed and force. The eversion of the endophallus is achieved by contracting abdominal muscles, which increases hemolymph pressure, effectively "inflating" the endophallus. As we have mentioned before, verbs in the Arabic language are conjugated in different ways according to the gender. That is, the doer of all deeds here is the female bee.So, what do scientists say about this news which given 1.400 years ago? They say that:All deeds that the Qur'an mentions are performed by worker bees which are female bees. Congregation areas can be located by attaching a virgin queen (in a cage) to a balloon floating above ground.
Congregation areas are typically located above open ground, away from trees or hills, where flight is somewhat protected from the wind (calm winds may be helpful during mating flight).
The drones' main function is to be ready to fertilize a receptive queen.

However, the Qur'an uses the feminine form of the verb when it gives information about the inspiration which is given to the bee and what the bee does. While at the site, the drones fly around passively, waiting for the arrival of a virgin. The first generation has one member (the male). The gender specific noun for a male bee is drone.The gender specific nouns for a female bee are queen and worker. Questions on Islam © 2003 - 2020 The plug reflects ultraviolet light, and as drone bees can see ultraviolet the plug then works as a beacon to other drones Mating between the drones and a virgin queen takes place away from the colony, in mid-air mating sites. With the help of this information, the scientific miracle to analyze will be understood better.After this information, now let us pay attention to the verses 68 and 69 of the chapter of an-Nahl:In Arabic, the bee is written as "Nahl" in the same way both for male and female. This suggests some environmental cues define a congregation area, although the actual cues are unknown. Should a drone succeed in mating, the first thing that happens is all of the drone's blood in his body rushes to his endophallus which causes him to lose control over his entire body.

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