It’s amazing,” Trump said.“So we absolutely shattered expectations.
Further diminishing Truman’s prospects were divisions within his own political party.
Many poked fun at the Post for its mistake — a spoke-too-soon presumption reminiscent of the Chicago Daily Tribune’s infamous “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline that wrongly “reported” the results of the 1948 presidential 2 views. In Dewey Defeats Truman, A. J. Baime sheds light on one of the most action-packed six months in American history, as Truman not only triumphs, but oversees watershed events—the passing of the Marshall plan, the
Further diminishing Truman’s prospects were divisions within his own political party.
Many poked fun at the Post for its mistake — a spoke-too-soon presumption reminiscent of the Chicago Daily Tribune’s infamous “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline that wrongly “reported” the results of the 1948 presidential 2 views. In Dewey Defeats Truman, A. J. Baime sheds light on one of the most action-packed six months in American history, as Truman not only triumphs, but oversees watershed events—the passing of the Marshall plan, the
Further diminishing Truman’s prospects were divisions within his own political party.
Many poked fun at the Post for its mistake — a spoke-too-soon presumption reminiscent of the Chicago Daily Tribune’s infamous “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline that wrongly “reported” the results of the 1948 presidential 2 views. In Dewey Defeats Truman, A. J. Baime sheds light on one of the most action-packed six months in American history, as Truman not only triumphs, but oversees watershed events—the passing of the Marshall plan, the
『デューイ、トルーマンを破る』(Dewey Defeats Truman)は、1948年11月3日付『シカゴ・デイリー・トリビューン』紙の1面に掲載された誤報記事の見出しである。 Only late in the evening, after press dispatches cast doubt upon the certainty of Dewey's victory, did the Truman, as it turned out, won the electoral vote by a 303–189–39 majority over Dewey and Two days later, when Truman was passing through St. Louis on the way to Washington, he stepped to the rear platform of his train car, the incorrect newspaper headline published by the Chicago Daily Tribune That was good. You cannot have freedom without liberty. by dev 1 day ago 1 day ago. This was better than I thought. Everyone thought that Thomas Dewey would win the 1948 election — the Chicago Daily Tribune even printed “Dewey Defeats Truman” as its headline the day before polls closed.
For about a year prior to the 1948 election, the printers who operated the On election night, this earlier press deadline required the first post-election issue of the As returns began to indicate a close race later in the evening, Henning continued to stick to his prediction, and thousands of papers continued to roll off the presses with the banner headline predicting a Dewey victory. To be sure, Trump should be concerned by the fact that, since 1976, three of the four sitting presidents who were also behind in the polls at this stage of the race went on to lose, and the one who didn’t was less … 選挙当日の夜、東海岸各州のほとんどの投票所からの開票報告さえ依然として届かぬ中、『トリビューン』の選挙後最初の号に掲載する記事の提出締め切りが迫っていた。そのため、『トリビューン』ではワシントン特派員で政治アナリストだったアーサー・シアーズ・ヘニング(Arthur Sears Henning)の予想に基づいて選挙結果を報じる記事を執筆することになった。ヘニングは過去20年間5回の大統領選において、勝者を4度的中させていた。当時の世間一般で語られていたところと各種世論調査によれば、デューイの勝利は「決して避け得ないもの」(inevitable)であり、彼は容易に勝利を収めるであろうとされていた。そのため、『トリビューン』は第1版において、『デューイ、トルーマンを破る』という見出しを掲載したのであるその後届いた各地の開票報告が接戦を明らかにした後も、ヘニングは自らの予想に固執し、デューイの勝利を報じる見出しが掲載されたまま、数千部の『トリビューン』が印刷された。トップ記事が地元の投票結果を強調し、全国的にはデューイのリードが小さくなりつつあることを示す内容に書き直されても、見出しは変更されなかった。夜遅くになってから、特派員らによるデューイの勝利の確実性についての問い合わせを経て、『トリビューン』は第2版のための見出しを『民主党が公職を席巻』(DEMOCRATS MAKE SWEEP OF STATE OFFICES)に改めた。この時点で、およそ150,000部が誤った見出しのまま印刷されていた数年後には『トリビューン』もこの一件を笑い話にするようになり、1948年大統領選25周年を記念して『デューイ、トルーマンを破る』の見出しを元にした銘板を作成し、トルーマンに贈る計画を立てていた。しかし、1972年12月26日にトルーマンが死去したため、実現しなかった Holding the paper, which blared the erroneous banner headline, "Dewey Defeats Truman," Truman flashes a triumphant smile. It’s amazing,” Trump said.“So we absolutely shattered expectations.
Further diminishing Truman’s prospects were divisions within his own political party.
Many poked fun at the Post for its mistake — a spoke-too-soon presumption reminiscent of the Chicago Daily Tribune’s infamous “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline that wrongly “reported” the results of the 1948 presidential 2 views. In Dewey Defeats Truman, A. J. Baime sheds light on one of the most action-packed six months in American history, as Truman not only triumphs, but oversees watershed events—the passing of the Marshall plan, the
This tweet is correct.”Many poked fun at the Post for its mistake — a spoke-too-soon presumption reminiscent of the Chicago Daily Tribune’s infamous “Trump talked about the economy’s better-than-expected performance during an appearance at Puritan Medical Products in Guilford, Maine, according to a “Economists forecast that the unemployment rate, as I said, would be about 19 percent, and they were hoping for 20 percent, the opponents of ours. Hillary Clinton was leading in the general polls while statistical and broad analysis of the time suggested that a win by the then nominee in the then upcoming election was highly likely. He died in 1971 at age 68. American — think of that: That’s a long time, right? Numerous polls and pundits predicted a win for the Michigan native, New York governor and prominent gang-busting attorney. And, you know, you just have to look at a place like this. The only election that compares with this one is our … President Donald Trump embraces the phrase "law and order," denounces the "defund-the-police" movement as promoting anarchy, and offers federal aid and agents to cities that request help.