ve day celebrations 1945

The war correspondent Chester Wilmot pops up via a mobile transmitter somewhere in Germany, to speak not just to a Wing-Commander, but a private and a driver; later, we hear from a dock worker in Belfast. ‘It is little more than a week since VE-Day’, he wrote, ‘but already the reaction is setting in. The BBC’s evening Victory Report included a short but moving comment from a Mrs MacDonald in Glasgow – who reminded listeners of families still grieving for lives lost and of battles beyond Europe still to be fought:There was, of course, much partying – both on air and off. We must now devote all our strength and resources to the completion of our task, both at home and abroad.“Advance, Britannia! VE Day was declared on May 8 1945, a day after Nazi Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allied forces, and has been marked every year since. It was also a day in which the BBC would try to capture the mood not just of Britain, but of the wider world. In London, a young clerk noticed that all through the East End, ‘the battered little streets’ were ‘gay with bunting’.A nurse in Leeds thought everyone seemed happy, too, but also subdued – ‘lost and off their bearings’, she wrote in her diary, ‘because all at once their best “toy” had been taken away from them – the war!’The BBC stuck with its toy, and approached the day as if it was covering another large battle on the western front: outside broadcast units were set-up around the country, special transmitters and phone-lines were leased, seasoned war correspondents were stationed at strategic locations, and vast numbers of people were paraded before the microphone to share their stories and experiences, not just of the day but the past six years.The ringing of church bells was to be a running-theme. This is your victory. I find the news extremely depressing. On 17 May, Mass Observation received a rather despairing diary entry from one of its contributors in London. More than one million people celebrated in the streets throughout the UK to mark the end of the European part of the war. It was one of the ways in which the BBC tried to weave into its output sounds from all corners of Britain. Crowds in the Old Market Square Nottingham for VE Day celebrations, May 1945. On 7 May 1945 the formal act of military surrender was signed by Germany, ending the war in Europe. Huge celebrations … Reflect on the 75th anniversary of VE Day with our Voices of War soundscape, featuring first-hand accounts of those who witnessed the events of 8 May 1945. Stunning pictures of VE Day celebrations in Birmingham in 1945. In Britain, Churchill marked the occasion by declaring 8 May a public holiday. Several countries observe public holidays on the day each year, also called Victory Over Fascism Day, Liberation Day or Victory Day. In between the outside broadcasts and special features, the BBC supplied plenty of celebratory dance music: Teddy Foster and his Band from Covent Garden, Lew Stone and his Band from Southampton, Melville Christie and his Orchestra from Amesbury, Eddy McGarry and his Orchestra from the Majestic Ballroom in Accrington.In Somerset, Muriel Green had the day off from the hostel for factory-staff where she worked, and later wrote in her diary for Mass Observation of the events unfolding at the local village hall that night:The radio’s lively programme of music was on and dozens of village children appeared on the scene with fireworks and crackers… We stood watching it for a long time and about quarter to 11 went into the dance hall… I have never seen such signs of unrestricted merry-making… The romping continued till the end of the radio music and with exhaustion the circles were broken up.Yet after every party, there is perhaps the hangover.

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