There are two major types of current fire information: fire perimeter and hot spot data: Fire perimeter data are generally collected by a combination of aerial sensors and on-the-ground information. This archive contains research data collected and/or funded by Forest Service Research and Development (FS R&D), U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The map is influenced most highly by the Resistance to Control outputs, while Values were given the next highest weight and Ignition Risk was given the least amount of weight. The decisions we make have to pass one simple test: will it make Douglas County a better place? The broad-based communities identified in the Community Hazard Ranking Map may include multiple local communities such as home owner’s associations and/or platted subdivisions. Some ignition sources tend to spark more fires than others. It is a way to both preserve and share the quality science of our researchers. Refer to the property management plan for wildfire mitigation hazard reduction recommendations on these parcels. Although a potential ignition source can reside anywhere, areas where ignition sources regularly exist or are more common have a higher potential for wildfire occurrence. It
These include populated areas within the wildland-urban interface/intermix, critical infrastructure, municipal watersheds, and protected publicly-held lands.The Hazard Map is a composite overlay of the Resistance to Control, Values, and Ignition Risk Map. In the Spotlight. This map is powered by NAPSG, GISCorps, and CEDR Digital volunteers to increase situational awareness for the public, first responders, and emergency management agencies. Response time was determined by using the ArcGIS Network Analyst. These data are used to make highly accurate perimeter maps for firefighters and other emergency personnel, but are generally updated only once every 12 hours. Rankings identify the “potential” hazard a community may have based on resistance to control, values at risk, and ignition risk.The rankings do not take into account specific factors including defensible space, access, and construction materials which could affect the hazard rank at a finer scale.
If no management plan exists for the property, one should be put in place that addresses wildfire hazard reduction.There is a wide range of elevations throughout Douglas County. WILDFIRE Chapter 11 2019 Utah State Hazard Mitigation Plan Page 2 The western United States has some of the highest wildland fire potential in the country. There are two major types of current fire information: fire perimeter and hot spot data:In addition to fire, it is important to stay informed about wind conditions and air quality:While these maps are quick and convenient, it is also important to watch for more timely and detailed information from your local state and county office. Steps described in this paper about weighting for crown fire potential have been dropped in the 2018 version due to changes to the FSim modeling products used as the primary inputs to WHP mapping.
This map is an independent community effort developed to provide a general awareness of wildfire activity. The Resistance to Control Map combines all of these elements to predict the relative difference of difficulty in controlling a wildfire during high fire danger weather conditions. Please remember to check in with your local emergency agencies for up to date information.UCANR is sharing this map solely as a reference, and is not responsible for the content or interpretation of the map
View In: ArcGIS JavaScript ArcGIS Online map viewer Google Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Explorer View Footprint In: ArcGIS Online map viewer Service Description: This service portrays the Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP), developed by the USDA Forest Service and Fire Modeling Institute to help inform the assessment of wildfire risk or prioritization of fuels management needs across large landscapes. Wildfire Hazard Potential Map.
Drones and Wildfires Sit Report and National Fire News Current Fire Season Outlook Mobilization Guide | Red Book National Multi-Agency Coordinating Group Rankings were based on the hazard map in addition to local knowledge from core team members. The map is influenced most highly by the Resistance to Control outputs, while Values were given the next highest weight and Ignition Risk was given the least amount of weight. It is a resource for accessing both short and long-term FS R&D research data, which includes Experimental Forest and Range data. 2015. Communities are encouraged to identify smaller-scale fuel treatments within and surrounding their area of interest during localized CWPP planning efforts.The difficulty of controlling a wildfire depends on fire behavior, tactical flexibility during suppression operations, and approximate response time of the nearest suppression resources. High lightning density regions and areas adjacent to railroads and campgrounds were given the highest weight, areas adjacent to major roads were given the second highest weight, and areas adjacent to hiking trails were given the third-highest weight. Elevation affects several factors that contribute to fire behavior including fuel characteristics, climate, and weather.Every wildfire requires an ignition source that can be naturally occurring or human-caused. These include fire protection districts, incorporated and unincorporated areas, public land ownership, fire station locations, and transportation.The Community Hazard Ranking Map is a visual description of population areas within Douglas County and their associated wildfire hazard potential. Wildfire activity See the map below to find current wildfires activity across the U.S. Flame length was used as the fire behavior metric as it indicates suppression difficulty and is affected both by heat per unit area and rate of spread (for more see the Flame Length Map). The Douglas County CWPP core team identified several values potentially at risk of wildfire within the county. The Community Base Map identifies political boundaries and features within Douglas County that are pertinent to the county’s wildfire situation.
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