“Latina” is the feminine form. It is usually hyphenated in AE. By Henry Fuhrmann • January 23, 2018. Examples. You could check how it is spelled in newspapers. When using the term African-American as a phrasal adjective preceding the noun it modifies (e.g., an African-American woman), be sure to include a hyphen. But since the hyphen does not aid comprehension in such terms as those mentioned above, it may be omitted unless a particular author or publisher prefers the hyphen.” That wording is a change from the 16th edition, which, before picking up the current wording, said the hyphen was “regarded by some as suggestive of bias. The grammarist blog's official position is " When using the term African-American as a phrasal adjective preceding the noun it modifies (e.g., an African-American woman), be sure to include a hyphen. )Writing about race and ethnicity always requires care, and the stylebook has consolidated many of its entries under a new section, “race-related coverage.” Among its revised advice is to avoid accusatory expressions like “racially charged,” “racially motivated,” and “racially tinged”: or “similar terms as euphemisms for when the latter terms are truly applicable.” That definition, of course, is often open to interpretation. When the phrase functions as a noun or an adjective phrase following what it modifies, no hyphen is needed. A compound adjective is normally hyphenated before a noun (as in “a piece of early-American furniture”) while a single adjective needs no hyphen (“a piece of early Americana”). As of 2011, black is not an offensive term for Americans of African descent. To qualify as an “African American” you have to be an American. The 17th edition explains: “Whether terms such as , and the like should be spelled open or hyphenated has been the subject of considerable controversy. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.Some groups recommend dropping the hyphen because it implies to some people dual nationalism and inability to be accepted as truly American. Although it is traditional to hyphenate “African-American,” “Irish-American,” “Cuban-American,” etc., there is a recent trend toward omitting the hyphen, possibly in reaction to the belittling phrase “hyphenated Americans.” This year, many of the changes centered on racial, ethnic, and gender entries, some new and some revised. African American. The decision, she said, was made after consultation with members of journalism organizations and affinity groups.Dropping a hyphen does not appear to be a big deal but it reflects a growing acknowledgment among news organizations that racial and ethnic identities are individual, that the individuals have differing views on how to portray themselves, and that news organization should be aware of those desires.Asian Americans have eschewed the hyphen for years, but the African American community has been less unified in whether to use it or not: the National Museum of African American History and Culture does not use the hyphen, for example, while some other institutions, including , still hyphenate. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. (Disclosure: This columnist is a member of the executive committee of ACES.
This decision, we felt, treats these terms in the ordinary way. A Different World. We decided not to hyphenate it as a noun phrase (as in “African Americans” or “he is an African American”). Those entries were largely unchanged in the 1994 stylebook, with a major exception: “Afro-American” had disappeared, with “black” being the “preferred usage for those of the Negro race.” By the 2006 stylebook, “African-American” had an entry, but it said that “the preferred term is ” and that “African-American” should be used only in proper names, quotations and if the “individuals describe themselves so.” is often the preferred noun or adjective” for people of Spanish heritage. Chicago doubts that hyphenation represents bias, but since the hyphen does not aid comprehension …” uses hyphens in most expressions of compound nationality, like “Italian-American,” “Japanese-American,” “Irish-American” and “Asian-American,” but not others, like “Jewish American” or French Canadian.” Confusing.AP also revised its entry on “Native Americans.” Where the previous entry allowed the use of “Indian” to refer to “Native Americans” or “American Indians” (the terms themselves are a matter of preference), the new entry says it should not be used as shorthand for “American Indians” and should be reserved for people from South Asia or the nation of India.The AP changes reflect broad revisions on how to refer to “people of color” (now acceptable in the new stylebook, though the initialism “POC” is not), and show how terminology changes. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. As for the gender-neutral “Latinx,” the stylebook now says its use “should be confined to quotations, names of organizations or descriptions of individuals who request it and should be accompanied by a short explanation.” (This is eerily reminiscent of the first uses of “Ms.,” which were often accompanied by the explanation that that was what the woman “preferred to be called.” It sounds quaint now, as does the admonition to explain if someone wanted to be identified as “African-American.” Perhaps the “Latinx” explanation will be as well before too long. note: The Associated Press Stylebook and BuzzFeed Style Guide have credited “Drop the Hyphen in ‘Asian American'” with being the impetus for changing their guides.
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