He raised with acting The aim was to gather evidence to convince administration principals to invoke the 25th Amendment, stipulating that the president may be removed from office when the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet declare that he or she is unable to discharge his duties.That option was discarded as too impractical.
In the meantime, they’d buy themselves enough time and maybe find something else they could use to remove him from the White House.
The media relied on Fusion GPS for “scoops” and helped the FBI plant its “evidence.”Some of the story will be familiar to those who have followed the story of the phony Russia “collusion” theory over the past three-plus years.
- Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. Investigative journalist Lee Smith's The Plot Against the Presidenttells the story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the commander-in-chief.While popular opinion holds that Russia subverted democratic processes during the 2016 elections, the real damage was done not by Moscow or any other foreign actor. Crimes may also have been committed along the way, as U.S. Attorney John Durham may soon report.The Ukraine allegations are arguably the fruit of the same poisoned tree. Contrary to his denials, Smith writes, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was part of those deliberations.Special Counsel Robert Mueller was meant to deliver the goods — even though everyone involved knew that the goods were not there. Instead, the conspirators took the path that Mr. They were manufactured by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who lied to the public about his contact with the so-called “whistleblower,” who himself (or herself) may have violated rules by going straight to the House Intelligence Committee with complaints about Trump’s Ukraine call. Soon after taking his post on April 26, Mr. Rosenstein wrote a memo that would justify cutting the Mr. Rosenstein’s memo focused on procedure. They wanted to make the story about how the emails were discovered, rather than how they were hidden and deleted by Clinton in the first place.Their efforts later roped the FBI into an attempt to stop Trump from being elected — and, once elected, to stop him from taking office; and, once in office, to have him removed.During a key period in May 2017, Smith argues, the senior levels of law enforcement in the United States held serious discussions about how to get rid of the president.
Even after having been involuntarily returned to private life, Mr. Nunes and his “Objective Medusa” team found that the FBI had likely misled the FISA court to obtain warrants by hiding the partisan origins of evidence.Along the way, the mainstream media colluded with the FBI — and with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm first hired through the Washington Free Beacon to dig up dirt on Trump during the Republican primary, and then paid by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (who laundered their payments through the Perkins Coie law firm). Lee Smith (born November 1, 1944) ... That same year Smith - who was by then divorced from Seay - married journalist Hal Crowther, to whom she dedicated the new book.
Lee Smith is the media columnist at Tablet.
Joel B. Pollak 30 Oct 2019. Lee Harold Smith (born April 10, 1962) is an American journalist.
While popular opinion holds that Russia subverted democratic processes during the 2016 elections, the real damage was done not by Moscow or any other foreign actor.
Schiff’s credibility, marred by years of lying about Russia “collusion,” also taints the latest inquiry.Smith’s book is a chilling read. Appointed by the Department of Justice, the special counsel would now be under the control of the official overseeing the And indeed, the day after the Times’ May 16 story sourced to Mr.
Sunday, October 27, 2019 But Smith also breaks new ground.He argues, convincingly, that the so-called “dossier” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS was actually a re-hash of earlier work — four “proto-dossiers” that were put together with the help of Nellie Ohr, wife of Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr.Smith fills in key gaps in the story, suggesting that the original motivation for the “dossier” was not necessarily to stop Donald Trump from winning the presidency — since few imagined he could, anyway — but to set Trump up as the fall guy in the event Clinton’s missing emails were ever discovered and released. Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Pollak: New Lee Smith Book Should Stop ‘Impeachment Inquiry’ in Its Tracks 4,679 Zach Gibson / Getty. Lee Smith is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. JavaScript is required for full functionality on this website, but scripting is currently disabled.
Since then, Smith has published Fair and Tender Ladies (1988) and Me and My Baby View the Eclipse (1990), her second book of short stories. After Mr. Please enable JavaScript and reload this page.
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