inciweb oregon

Prescribed fire is used by fire managers to improve forest health and wildlife habitat, and to reduce hazardous fuels to minimize the threat of high-intensity, severe wildfires in our area. Tuesdays temperature’s reached 100F with winds blowing 12-15 MPH which tested containment efforts.

It is currently estimated to be 150 acres.
Resources engaged in suppression efforts include two Type 1 Interagency Hotshot Crews, a Type 2IA crew, several engines, helicopters, and air tankers. Prescribed fire season has arrived in South Central Oregon, and fire managers on the Fremont-Winema National Forest, Lakeview District Bureau of Land Management, and Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex will be applying prescribed fire to the landscape.

The fire is burning between two steep ridges within the 2006 Columbia Complex fire scar, in grass, brush, snags and timber with dead and down trees.The Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 3 that is managing the Meacham Complex took command of the Rattlesnake Fire on Monday, Aug. 24 at 6 a.m.

The lightning-caused fire was first reported at 3:39 p.m. on July 28, 2020, and spread rapidly through dry grass and dead-and-down timber.

Temperatures were from 75-80 across the high terrain with relative humidity 25-30 percent.

Background Map; Topographic; Aerial; Aerial, labeled; Roads; Reference Layers; Red Flag Warnings Filter - control incident types displayed on map.

Hood and north of Highways 26 and 216 since mid-August, but this week has made a large run to the east, expanding from a reported 2,775 acres yesterday to 4,500 acres today, … The fire is burning on Prineville BLM managed lands and ODF John Day Unit Protected private

InciWeb - Incident Information System.

At 4 p.m. the fire was estimated at 9,000 acres in size and 10 percent Lightning was determined to be the cause of the fire.

Aviation resources are focusing their efforts  The Matlock Fire is burning northwest of Ukiah, Oregon on the Umatilla National Forest. This year, fuels within the unit have been too wet and green to attempt the burn. The Ben Young Fire is currently burning on the Paisley Ranger District of the Fremont-Winema National Forest, approximately 10 miles south of Paisley, OR.The fire was discovered July 21st.

The additional moisture helped to destabilize the atmosphere. Individuals with smoke sensitivity or medical conditions that could be affected by smoke are advised to take precautionary measures.

It is being managed with a full suppression strategy.

Drone reconnaissance is ongoing. Firefighters are wrapping up suppression repairs as they continue making headway in containing the Crane Fire about 10 miles southeast of Lakeview, Oregon. The fire is located in rugged and steep terrain in the Opal Creek wilderness, approximately 2 miles south of Jawbone Flats and 6 miles north of Detroit. Otherwiseexpect temperatures a few degrees warmer. Minimal, creeping, and smoldering. The Umatilla National Forest received abundant lightning on Tuesday, Aug. 18 across the Forest. Mid-afternoon the fire was estimated to be approximately 400 acres. The fire, which started …

Relative humidity will remain seasonally dry and remain in the 20-30 percent range. The fire is located 13 miles southeast of Government Camp in the White River drainage near Forest Road 48. It was discovered today around 1:45 p.m. Preparation work that began last year continues this week. The Canyon 66 prescribed burn is scheduled to begin Tuesday, September 3 on the Lookout Mountain Ranger District of Ochoco National Forest and treat just over 5,000 acres over the course of two or three days.The Lookout Mountain Ranger District of the Ochoco National Forest first attempted the treatment last fall, but called off the project because fuels were too dry. Signs notifying the public of the planned activities are located around the unit.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Currently, there are no evacuations notices in place.

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